待在家裡的英文 待在家裡用英語怎麼說?
stay at home 呆在家裡
常用 重點詞彙
1. 家裡很舒服,如果我們待在家裡,就無需花錢。
If we stay at home, it is comfortable and there is no need to spend money.
2. 一個人整天待在家裡實在沒意思。
I’m bored stiff staying at home all day long.
3. 我寧願待在家裡,也不願去逛街。
I’d rather stay at home than go shopping.
4. 她一個人整天待在家裡悶得發慌。
She felt terribly bored staying at home alone all day long.
5. 與其待在家裡,莫如出去走走。
It would be better to go out for a walk than stay at home.
6. 明天要下雨,我們就待在家裡。
We’ll stay at home tomorrow if it rains.
7. 我情願待在家裡。
I’d rather stay at home. / I prefer to stay home.
8. 待在家裡料理家務的嫻靜小媳婦。
A demure little wife who sits at home minding the house.
9. 一天到晚待在家裡使他心情煩躁。
Being cooped up indoors all day makes him fidgety.
10. 因此,孩子,我勸你待在家裡。
Therefore, my son, I rede thee stay at home.
stay at home