下來的英文 下來用英語怎麼說?
come to an end 結束
常用 權威
1. 流下來
flow down
2. 跳下來
jump down
3. 滾下來
roll down
4. 滑下來
slide down
5. 蹲下來
squat down
6. 慢下來
slow down
7. 躺下來歇會兒
lie down and rest
8. 停下來休息
halt for a rest
9. 隨意停下來
stop at sb's own convenience
10. 停下來吃午飯
stop for lunch
11. 想法活下來
try to survive
12. 安靜下來
quiet down
13. 從樓上下來
come downstairs
14. 停下來喘口氣
pause for breath
15. 把門下下來
take down the door
16. 打旗號使火車停下來
flag down a train
17. 從牆上摔下來
fall off a wall
18. 態度軟下來
soften one's stance
19. 受驚之後鎮定下來
collect oneself after a shock
20. 從滑梯上溜下來
slide down the chute
1. 但接下來的幾周我需要小心處理。
But I need to be careful with it for the next few weeks.
2. 接下來,工人們在活字上刷墨水。
Next, the workers brushed ink onto the movable types.
3. 把任何有特殊意義的一頁記下來。
Make a note of any page which is of special importance.
4. 如果我是你,我會叫她停下來。
If I were you, I would tell her to stop.
5. 他被孩子們從馬背上拉了下來。
He was pulled off the horseback by the kids.
6. 當他工作時,幾個男孩停下來觀看。
As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch.
7. 總共有超過一千種生物被拍攝下來。
In total, more than a thousand living things were photographed.
8. 它可以檢測買家的名字並記錄下來。
It can detect buyers' names and record them.
9. 他停下來看著兒子徒勞的努力。
He stopped to watch his son's fruitless efforts.
10. 重力把冷空氣拉下來,暖空氣上升。
Gravity pulls down cold air, and warm air rises.
動詞 come/get/go down
1. 我告訴你別上桌子,快下來!
I told you not to climb on that table. Get down!
2. 他不好好學習,最近成績下來了。
His marks have come down because he is sluggish with his study.
3. 旅客從火車上下來。
The passengers alighted from the train.
4. 從樓上下來
come downstairs
動詞 (of leaders) come down (to a lower-level government office)
1. 中央下來了一個檢查組。
An inspection group came down from the central government.
動詞 (of fruit or crops) get ripe; be harvested; be in season; be brought to the market
1. 再有半個月桃就下來了。
Peaches will be in season in half a month.
動詞 come to an end
1. 第一天下來,她就筋疲力盡了。
At the end of the first day she was exhausted.
2. 一年下來,她學完了八門功課。
After a year's study she completed eight courses.
動詞 [used after a verb to indicate a movement from a higher position to a lower position or from far to near]
1. 樹葉紛紛揚揚飄下來時,彷彿在下一場金色的雪。
As they floated earthwards the leaves resembled a golden snowfall.
2. 銷釘拔不下來。
I can't pull this dowel out.
3. 把李子從樹上摘下來。
Pick the plums off the tree.
4. 把書從架子上取下來。
Take the book off the bookshelf.
5. 流下來
flow down
6. 跳下來
jump down
7. 摔下來
tumble/fall off
8. 切下來
cut down/off
9. 記下來
write/take down
10. 滑下來
slide down
11. 滾下來
roll down
12. 蹲下來
squat down
13. 掉下來
drop/fall down
動詞 [used after a verb to indicate a continuation from the past to the present or from the beginning to the end]
1. 一代一代傳下來
hand/pass down from generation to generation
2. 堅持下來
keep one's end up; stick it out; see sth through; work/fight/endure to the end
動詞 [used after a verb to indicate the completion or result of an action]
1. 一堂課講下來,她的嗓子都嘶啞了。
After giving the lecture she sounded hoarse.
2. 我們的計劃批下來了。
Our plan has been approved.
3. 馬拉松跑下來必須好好休息。
It is imperative to have a good rest after (running) a marathon.
4. 電梯停了下來。
The lift came to a stop.
5. 風停了下來。
The wind dropped.
6. 專案申請下來了。
The application for the project has been successful.
7. 把車停下來
bring a car to a stop
動詞 [used after an adjective to indicate decrease of intensity]
1. 他的聲音慢慢低下來了。
His voice trailed off.
2. 我對他的熱情淡下來了。
My enthusiasm for him cooled off.
3. 天漸漸冷下來。
It is getting colder and colder.
4. 燈光在漸漸暗下來。
The lights are dimming.
5. 態度軟下來
soften one's stance
6. 慢下來
slow down
7. 安靜下來
quiet down