捉弄的英文 捉弄用英語怎麼說?
tease v.戲弄;逗弄;取笑;招惹;梳理;挑逗;撩撥;揀選出;回梳;逆梳
常用 權威
1. 我們捉弄一下老太太吧。
Let's play a trick on the old lady.
2. 這淘氣的孩子經常玩鬼把戲捉弄人。
The mischievous child often plays pranks on others.
3. 啊哈,你又捉弄我了!
Aha, so you’re teasing me again.
4. 他被無端捉弄了一番。
He was made a fool for no reasons.
5. 她那個兒子是個猴兒精,經常捉弄他的小夥伴。
That son of hers is a mischief-maker. He often plays pranks on his playmates.
6. 你這是故意捉弄我。
You are playing the fool with me on purpose.
7. 他老愛捉弄人。
It’s typical of him to tease others.
8. 他搞一些小小的惡作劇捉弄他們。
He bedevilled them with petty practical jokes.
9. 他的傷是命運的殘酷捉弄。
His injury is a cruel twist of fate.
10. 她只是捉弄我罷了。
She's only winding me up.
捉弄 基本解釋 例句: 你別捉弄人好不好? 詳細解釋 反義詞: 鼓勵、 尊敬、 讚美、 稱讚、 誇獎
動詞 tease; make a fool of sb; play/put tricks (on)
1. 他被無端捉弄了一番。
He was made a fool for no reasons.
2. 他老愛捉弄人。
It's typical of him to tease others.
3. 你這是故意捉弄我。
You are playing the fool with me on purpose.