麻木的英文 麻木用英語怎麼說?
numb adj.麻木的;失去感覺的
insensible adj.失去知覺的;不省人事的;毫無察覺的;漠不關心的;不被察覺的;微不可辨的;麻木的;無感覺的;無情的;冷酷的
apathetic adj.麻木不仁的;無興趣的;缺乏熱情的;不 關注的
insensitive adj.不顧他人感情的;無情的;不敏感的;感覺遲鈍的;知覺不敏感的;無反應的
lifeless adj.死的;無生命的;明顯死亡的;無生氣的;死氣沉沉的;沒有生物的
常用 權威
1. 渾身麻木
be numb all over
2. 麻木不仁
insensitive; unfeeling; indifferent and apathetic; dead/lost to all feeling
3. 手腳麻木
numb hands and feet
4. 麻木地生活
lead an inert life
1. 你的手指可能會麻木到幾乎無法動彈。
Your fingers would probably be so numb(麻木的)that you could hardly move them.
2. 我盤腿坐了這麼久,腿都麻木了。
I’ve been sitting cross-legged for so long that my legs have gone dead.
3. 她年齡不算大,可思想卻近乎麻木。
She is not old yet, but her mind is almost deadened.
4. 她牙痛得下巴都麻木了。
Her teeth were aching and her jaw numb.
5. 我的上肢有點兒麻木。
I felt a little numb in my upper limbs.
6. 她被凍得手腳麻木。
Both her hands and feet went numb with severe cold.
7. 憂慮使她頭腦麻木,神思恍惚。
Apprehension was numbing her brain and making her stupid.
8. 他突然感覺到了這讓人麻木的寒氣。
He was suddenly aware of the numbing cold.
9. 一聲嘶啞的叫喊劃過了他麻木的感官。
A hoarse shout cut through his benumbed senses.
10. 他們用麻木的手指抓向對方。
They grasped at each other with numbed fingers.
麻木(拼音:má mù),漢語詞語,意思指身體某部分發生像螞蟻爬那樣不舒服的感覺或感覺完全喪失。 也指感覺遲鈍。例句為“有些幹部只顧謀私利,對群眾的疾苦麻木不仁。” 近義詞為麻痺,反義詞為敏感、激動、清醒,相關古文有“放綁要緊,手腳都麻木了。”出自《二刻拍案驚奇》卷十四。
形詞 numb; insensible
1. 我盤腿坐了這麼久,腿都麻木了。
I've been sitting cross-legged for so long that my legs have gone dead.
2. 她牙痛得下巴都麻木了。
Her teeth were aching and her jaw numb.
3. 她被凍得手腳麻木。
Both her hands and feet went numb with severe cold.
4. 渾身麻木
be numb all over
5. 凍麻木了的手
hands insensible from cold; hands numb with cold
形詞 apathetic; insensitive; lifeless
1. 她年齡不算大,可思想卻近乎麻木。
She is not old yet, but her mind is almost deadened.
2. 麻木地生活
lead an inert life