已完成的英文 已完成用英語怎麼說?
finished adj.完成了的;結束了的;完成(或結束)某事的;失去了有效性(或權力、聲望)的;完蛋了的;有某種飾面的;養肥了的
done adj.實現的;實行的;結束的;完成的;處理過的;為社會所接受的;煮熟的;不再發生的;不再存在的
fulfilled adj.心滿意足的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你已完成全日制大學課程。
You have completed your full-time university studies.
2. 已完成村村通電。
Electricity has reached every village.
3. 第二次印刷在聖誕節後就已完成。
The second printing was ready just after Christmas.
4. 已完成一個,僅剩六個了。
One down and only six more to go.
5. 克羅帕將已完成對手稿的徹底研究
Cropper will have been through the manuscript with a toothcomb
6. 那個姑娘說她已
The girl says that she has finished her homework.
7. 生成器已完成執行一組規則觸發.
The generator has completed running a set of rule firings.
8. 大股東持有的債券出需要錢已完成!
Substantial shareholder need money out of bonds held has been finished!
9. 目前,城市總體規編制已完成。
At present, the comprehensive planning for city sculpture has completed.
10. 您已完成了“配置檔案嚮導”操作。
No files were selected for backup; operation canceled.
finished; done; fulfilled; off the stocks