探望的英文 探望用英語怎麼說?
call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)
visit v.訪問;拜訪;使某人遭受;參觀;探望;視察;檢查;巡視;閒聊;遊覽
see v.看到;看見;領悟;理解;看望;探望;意外遇見;護送;與…下同樣賭注
常用 權威
1. 探望權
right of visiting
2. 探望住院病人
visit the sick in hospital
1. 他很想回老家探望年邁的雙親。
He longs to go back to the hometown and visit his aged parents.
2. 他因未能在父親彌留之際探望他而抱憾。
He was filled with remorse for not being able to visit his father at his death bed.
3. 這時候去探望他不合適。
This is the wrong time to visit him.
4. 我上次出差到北京,探望了我從前的老師。
I called on my former teachers while I was on my last business trip to Beijing.
5. 他不時向窗外探望。
He looked out of the window every now and then.
6. 她對她父親的定期探望。
The periodic visits she made to her father.
7. 自從1981年以來,他每逢單數年份就來探望我們一次。
He has come to us every odd year since 1981.
8. 第一部分是探望權的性質與內容。
The first part is about the nature and content of visitation right.
9. 夏天,他會到歐洲探望他的祖父。
Summers he wiould be taken to Europe to see his grandfather.
10. 她通常在星期天去探望她的父母。
She usually goes to visit her parents on Sunday.
動詞 look in order to find out
1. 他不時向窗外探望。
He looked out of the window every now and then.
2. 四處探望
look about/around
動詞 call on; visit; see
1. 這時候去探望他不合適。
This is the wrong time to visit him.
2. 我上次出差到北京,探望了我從前的老師。
I called on my former teachers while I was on my last business trip to Beijing.
3. 回鄉探望親友
return home and visit one's relatives and friends; go back home and see one's relatives and friends
4. 探望住院病人
visit the sick in hospital