現場的英文 現場用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-25



site n.地基;選址;遺址;舊址;地點

spot n.斑點;一個特定的地方;粉刺;丘疹;一點點;現貨交易;現金交易;調灰泥板;調石膏板;鈔票

常用 權威



1. 現場會

on-the-spot meeting

2. 現場圖

sketch/picture of a crime/accident scene

3. 現場潑墨

draw pictures on the spot

4. 現場報告

account on the spot

5. 現場檢驗

field inspection

6. 現場招聘

on-site recruiting

7. 現場做證

live testimony

8. 偽造的現場

simulated scene

9. 現場工程師

field engineer

10. 現場錄製

record live

11. 作案現場

scene of a crime;crime scene; scene of crime

12. 空難現場

crash site

13. 到達現場

arrive at the scene

14. 現場報道

on-the-scene report; live coverage

15. 現場調查

on-the-spot investigation;site investigation; field survey

16. 現場偵查

scene investigation

17. 撤離現場

leave the scene

18. 發掘現場

excavation site

19. 現場實驗

field experiment;crime scene experiment

20. 試驗現場

testing ground


1. 6月8日將舉行現場慶祝活動。

There will be a live celebration event on 8 June.

2. 藝術家和科學家上個月一起震撼了現場

Artists and scientists have together rocked the scenes last month.

3. 在現場展示他們的優勢。

Demonstrating their superiority on the spot.

4. 有史以來最棒的現場表演就要來到我們城市了!

The greatest live show ever is coming to town!

5. 華盛頓縣動物管理人員來到現場,捕獲了這條蛇。

And Washington County Animal Control Officers came and captured the snake.

6. 他們將透過現場電話向下一組的密碼員傳送資訊。

They would send messages by field telephone to the code talker in the next group.

7. 消防員趕到現場,搜查了另一間臥室的壁櫥和狹窄的床。

Firefighters arrived and after searching the closet and narrow beds in another bedroom.

8. 這裡曾是2006年的火災現場,從那以後就一直空著。

It was the site of a 2006 fire and has remained vacant ever since.

9. 本週六,陽光電視臺將對今年的北京音樂獎進行現場直播。

This year's Beijing Music Awards will be covered live on Sunshine TV this Saturday.

10. 山姆是一名記錄現實生活的播主,他現場直播自己一天的經歷。

Sam is an in-real-life streamer, and he live streams himself just going about his day.








名詞 scene (of an accident or a crime); site

1. 警察很快來到現場。

The police were soon on the scene.

2. 證明不在現場的證據

evidence in support of alibi

3. 在謀殺現場

be on the scene of a murder

4. 作案現場

scene of a crime

5. 墜毀現場

crash site; crash scene of a plane

6. 試驗現場

testing ground

7. 事發現場

site of a crime or an accident

8. 空難現場

crash site

9. 交通事故現場

scene of a traffic accident

10. 犯罪現場

scene of a crime; crime scene

11. 破壞/逃離/偽裝/辨認現場

sabotage/flee/forge/identify the scene

12. 清查現場

make an investigation of the scene

13. 到達現場

arrive at the scene

14. 奔赴現場

rush to the scene

15. 保護現場

keep the scene (of a crime or an accident) intact

名詞 site; spot

1. 現場作業

field work

2. 現場評論

running commentary

3. 現場錄影

field television video recording

4. 現場電視直播

be televised live; make a live television broadcast

5. 現場報道

on-the-scene report; live coverage

6. 現場安裝

site installation

7. 做現場筆錄

make a record on the scene

8. 來到現場

come to the spot/scene

9. 進行現場採訪

give an on-the-spot coverage/interview

10. 觀看現場表演

attend a live performance

11. 放現場錄音

play back the recording on the scene

12. 採訪現場觀眾

interview the audience at the site

13. 現場施工

site operation

14. 現場考試

be examined while engaged in practical work

15. 現場管理

scene/field management

16. 現場工程師

field engineer

17. 現場見面

meet sb on site
