醒的英文 醒用英語怎麼說?
regain consciousness 恢復意識
sober up 醒酒;清醒起來;清醒過來
come to 發生, 來到;甦醒;突然想起;恢復知覺
wake up 醒來, 叫醒
eye-catching adj.顯著的;吸引人的;動人的;醒目的;引人注目的
常用 權威
1. 小男孩仍然醒著躺在他母親的膝上,但那個女人睡著了。
The little boy was still awake on his mother's lap, but the woman dropped off to sleep.
2. 她只要醒著就一直忙於工作。
She spends all her waking hours busy with her work.
3. 他一激靈就醒了。
He woke up/awakened with a start.
4. 亞歷克斯醒得很晚,覺得渾身乏力沒有勁。
Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish.
5. 他嘆了口氣但沒有醒。
He sighed but did not awaken.
6. 其他人都還沒有醒。
No one else had stirred yet.
7. 我總是一下子便睡得很沉,而且一覺睡到自然醒。
[no obj.]I always just zonk out and sleep straight through
8. 我本來睡得好好的,也被嚇醒了。
I rest originally well, also is awakened by noise.
9. 在最冷的夜裡,楊和清總被凍醒。
On the worst nights, Yang Heqing is awakened by the cold.
10. 我是一個做夢的人當我醒的時候。
I'm a dreamer when I'm awake.
醒(xǐng ),漢字,屬於星字族,左右結構。 泛指頭腦由迷糊而清楚,也可指睡眠狀態結束或尚未入睡。可組詞為清醒、醒目、醒眼等。 相關詩句有宋代歐陽修《醉翁亭記》的“醒能述以文。”和宋代柳永《雨霖鈴》的“今宵酒醒何處。”
動詞 regain consciousness; sober up; come to; come round/around
1. 為了讓他醒來,有人給他潑了些冷水。
In an effort to bring him round, someone threw some cold water on him.
2. 他醒過來了,但還有些暈。
He was coming round, but he still felt dizzy.
動詞 wake up
1. 他醒來時發現屋頂在滴水。
He woke up to find water dripping through the ceiling.
2. 你醒了嗎?
Are you awake yet?
3. 從夢中醒來
awake from a dream
動詞 be awake
1. 我醒著呢。
I'm still awake.
2. 她只要醒著就一直忙於工作。
She spends all her waking hours busy with her work.
動詞 come to understand; become aware
形詞 clear (in mind)
形詞 striking (to the eye); eye-catching