澄清的英文 澄清用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



clear adj.清晰的;清楚的;明白的;乾淨的;暢通的;無阻的;未碰觸的;懸離的;全的;整的;滿的;足的;發音清晰的

transparent adj.透明的;受公眾監督的;易察覺的;易看出的;易被人所知的;可穿透的;可透過的

limpid adj.清澈的;明淨的;明亮的;清晰易懂的;悅耳的

purify v.使純淨;淨化;使在禮儀上潔淨;清洗(或清除)、洗淨…不必要的成分

clarify v.澄清;闡明;講清;燒熔(黃油)以清除雜質

purge v.清洗…不願有的情感;消除;清除;把某人從(機構或位置)上清除掉;彌補;將…徹底清除;催瀉;通便

clear up 被治癒;清理;收拾;整理;解決(問題);消除(誤會);揭開(謎團);解決(醫學難題);清除(感染);治癒(疾病);痊癒;(天氣)放晴,變晴朗

elucidate v.闡明;解釋

throw light on 使(事情)變得清楚;闡明

make clear 明確;清楚

illuminate v.照明;照亮;用燈裝飾;用金、銀等彩色圖案裝飾;闡明;澄清;啟發

settle v.解決;達成;結束;安定;安頓;舒舒服服地坐下;定居;決定;安頓下來;確定

常用 權威



1. 攬轡澄清

seize the reins and bring about peace―assume power and bring order out of chaos

2. 澄清劑

clarifying agent; clarifier

3. 澄清真相

clarify the truth

4. 澄清立場

clarify one's position (about)

5. 澄清吏治

cleanse out/clean up political corruption

6. 予以澄清

offer some clarification

7. 澄清溶液

settle a solution

8. 澄清問題

clear up a problem

9. 要求澄清

demand clarification

10. 得到澄清

be clarified

11. 澄清名譽

clear one's name

12. 澄清看法

clarify one's view (on)

13. 澄清度


14. 澄清情況

clear up matters

15. 澄清疑點

clear up doubts

16. 澄清天下

rid the world of all troubles and disturbances

17. 澄清的水

clear water

18. 澄清錯誤觀點

clear up erroneous concepts

19. 澄清模糊認識

clear up vague understanding (on);clear up vague understandings (on)


1. 說服他們澄清他們所造成的混亂。

Persuade them to clarify the confusion they have caused.

2. 澄清存在分歧或衝突的領域。

Clarify areas of disagreement or conflict.

3. 對吐溫先生本人以及公眾而言,他需要澄清這件事。

For Mr. Twain himself, as well as the public, he needs to clear this matter up.

4. 值得澄清的是,這些發現與相對較短的獨處時間有關。

It's worth clarifying that these findings relate to relatively brief periods of solitude.

5. 我希望我說的話能澄清這一情況。

I hope what I say will clarify the situation.

6. 我本有疑惑,但現在都澄清了。

I had my doubts but now they are cleared up.

7. 他很快澄清了這件事情。

He cleared the matter up quickly.

8. 整個問題都需要澄清

The whole issue needs clarification.

9. 等水澄清了再用。

Don’t use the water until it becomes clear.

10. 有人要他澄清他的話是什麼意思。

He was asked to clarify what his remarks meant.






形詞 clear; transparent; limpid

1. 澄清的小溪

lucid/clear stream

2. 澄清的水

clear water

動詞 purify; clarify; purge

1. 加點明礬使水澄清

clear up/clarify the water by adding a little alum

動詞 clear up; clarify; elucidate; throw light on; make clear; illuminate

1. 整個問題都需要澄清。

The whole issue needs clarification.

2. 我希望我說的話能澄清這一情況。

I hope what I say will clarify the situation.

3. 我本有疑惑,但現在都澄清了。

I had my doubts but now they are cleared up.

4. 他很快澄清了這件事情。

He cleared the matter up quickly.

5. 要求澄清

demand clarification

6. 得到澄清

be clarified

7. 澄清真相

clarify matters; clarify the truth (of sth)

8. 澄清誤會/疑點

clear up a misunderstanding/mystery

9. 澄清問題

clear up a question; clarify an issue

10. 澄清是非

get/put/set the fact straight

11. 澄清事實

clarify the fact; get/put/set/keep the fact straight

12. 澄清模稜兩可/模糊不清之處

clear up ambiguity/obscurity

13. 澄清模糊認識

clear up vague understanding (on)

14. 澄清立場

clarify one's position (about)

15. 澄清看法

clarify one's view (on)

16. 澄清混亂的思想

straighten confusing ideas; straighten out the confused thinking

17. 澄清錯誤觀點

clear up erroneous concepts

動詞 settle; become clear

1. 等水澄清了再用。

Don't use the water until it becomes clear.
