備用的英文 備用用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-23



reserve v.保留;預留;預訂;佔據;暫不作;把…專門留給;彌撒儀式後保留部分聖餐

常用 權威



1. 備用發電機

backup/standby generator

2. 備用電池

standby battery; reserve battery

3. 備用輪

fifth wheel; spare wheel

4. 備用信貸

standing credit

5. 備用輪胎

spare tyre;spare tyre

6. 備用裝置

standby facility; emergency apparatus; reserve/spare equipment; backup; standby

7. 備用航空站

alternate airport

8. 庫存備用品

inventory of supplies

9. 備用系統

standby system

10. 備用線路

spare circuit

11. 備用發動機

backup/standby engine

12. 備用機車

stored locomotive

13. 備用電路

spare circuit

14. 備用款項

reserve funds

15. 備用檔案

backup file

16. 備用燃油箱

reserve fuel tank

17. 備用物資

reserve goods and materials

18. 備用部件

spare parts

19. 備用機場

alternate airport

20. 備用零件

spare parts; spare


1. 6號線已經在使用備用機器人。

The stand-ins are already in use on Line 6.

2. 他打電話給威廉·休利特,向他要備用件,隨後得到了一份暑期工作。

He called William Hewlett to ask for spare parts and subsequently received a summer job.

3. 一些進口機器因缺少備用件而被荒置。

Some imported machines have been abandoned for lack of spare parts.

4. 留一把備用鑰匙給一個可靠的鄰居。

Leave a spare key with a trustworthy neighbour.

5. 他有借來的1,000英鎊現款備用

He had £1,000 of borrowed cash in hand.

6. 備用變壓器做好了裝運準備。

The spare transformer was readied for shipment.

7. 我們需要把備用舵安裝好。

We need to get that jury rudder fixed.

8. 馬丁跺著腳走向備用房。

Martin stomped off to the spare room.

9. 三國都可向國際貨幣基金組織申請備用貸款。

All three countries had recourse to the IMF for standby loans.

10. 帶只備用輪胎去,以備不時之需。

Take a spare tyre along in case of need.



備用(英文:reserve),讀音為bèi yòng,漢語詞語,指的是準備著供隨時使用。相關例句為:泰式甜雞醬、青檸汁等拌勻備用。



動詞 reserve; keep back/save for future use/a special purpose

1. 備用物資

reserve goods and materials

2. 備用計算機/顯示器

standby computer/display

3. 備用方案/基地

alternative scheme/base

4. 留些錢備用

hold/have/keep some money in reserve

5. 安排一架直升機備用

keep a helicopter on standby

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