批准的英文 批准用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-23



ratify v.簽署;正式批准;認可

approve v.批准;同意;認可;證明;顯示;稱許

authorize v.授權做;批准;授權給

validate v.確證;驗證;證實;使合法有效;宣佈合法有效

confirm v.證實;確定;施堅信禮;施堅振禮;批准;認可;加強;鞏固;確認

sanction n.處罰;制裁;認可;准許;批准;約束力;正式認可;法令;法律

常用 權威



1. 批准書

permission; ratification; act/instrument/letter of ratification; note of allowance

2. 批准權

approval jurisdiction; jurisdiction to approve; right of ratification; right to approve

3. 批准決議

ratify a decision

4. 批准提議

approve a proposal

5. 批准國

ratifying state

6. 互換批准書

exchange instruments of ratification

7. 批准申請

grant an application

8. 批准政策

endorse a policy

9. 批准檔案

approval document

10. 批准方案

approve a project

11. 批准函件

letter of ratification

12. 批准機關

approving authority

13. 批准手續

ratification procedure

14. 批准任命

approve an appointment

15. 批准憲法

ratify a constitution

16. 請求批准

request for permission

17. 業經批准

have been approved

18. 批准議案

sanction a proposal

19. 批准實施

be approved for enforcement

20. 批准建議

give sanction to the proposals


1. 立法者上週初步批准了一項法律。

The lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law.

2. 它們必須得到審查委員會的批准

They have to be approved by the examining committees.

3. 它必須等待州政府的最終批准

It has to wait for the state's final approval.

4. 它將贏得奧巴馬政府的批准

It will win the approval of the Obama administration.

5. 參議院財政委員會批准的一項法案付諸實施。

A bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement.

6. 例如,阿拉伯聯合大公國批准了一項雄心勃勃的目標。

For example, the United Arab Emirates has endorsed an ambition target.

7. 未徵得批准,不能私自進入安全區。

You may not enter the security area without authorization.

8. 參議院拒絕批准這項總統提名。

The Senate refused to confirm the President’s nomination.

9. 這筆錢未經批准不得擅自動用。

No one is allowed to draw on this sum of money without approval.

10. 國會否決/批准這個新預算。

Congress has rejected/approved the new budget.



批准(英文:ratify),讀音:pī zhǔn,漢語詞語,亦作“批准”,釋義是上級對下級的意見、建議或請求表示同意。例句有“在下放權力的同時,必須作出一些預先經過批准的、深思熟慮的作戰規定”。 相關句子有“應維業深受感動,代表師黨委,批准了祝永康的請求”,出自陳登科《風雷》第一部第二章。



動詞 ratify; approve; authorize; validate; confirm; sanction; agree to licence

1. 總理批准了這項計劃。

The Premier has placed his cachet upon the project.

2. 公約需經各自的政府批准。

The convention require ratification by the respective governments.

3. 提案已被批准。

The motion has been approved. / The motion has been given the ratification. / The motion has met with approval.

4. 參議院拒絕批准這項總統提名。

The Senate refused to confirm the President's nomination.

5. 正式批准

give formal ratification; give formal/official approval (to)

6. 請求批准

request for permission

7. 得到批准

win sb's approval; meet with/get/obtain approval; be given the ratification

8. 呈請批准

forward/submit for approval/confirmation

9. 批准議案

give approval to a bill; ratify a bill

10. 批准實施

be approved for enforcement

11. 批准申請

grant an application

12. 批准建議

give sanction to the proposals

13. 批准計劃

give one's approval to a plan

14. 批准公約/條約

confirm/ratify a convention/treaty

15. 批准方案

approve a project

16. 批准逮捕

approve an arrest

17. 批准撥款

approve/grant the appropriation (for); make an appropriation (for)
