享用的英文 享用用英語怎麼說?
have the benefit; have the benefit of sth.; enjoy the use of
常用 權威
1. 享用美食
enjoy delicious food
1. 蜜餞是人人都能享用的美食。
Candied fruit is a treat that everyone can enjoy.
2. 像一些螞蟻養殖蚜蟲,蚜蟲產生蜜露為螞蟻所享用的道理一樣,谷歌\飼養\我們,我們又把生活轉化成資料為谷歌所用。
Some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce when they feed.
3. 他獨自享用了兩高杯加冰酒。
He had himself two highballs.
4. 我們坐在那兒盡情地享用烤雞和啤酒。
We sat feasting on barbecued chicken and beer.
5. 我們可以享用臘肉和雞蛋。
We'll get outside of some bacon and eggs.
6. 對分時段享用度假住房的方式興趣日增。
A growing interest in timeshare.
7. 我們享用了燭光晚餐。
We dined by candlelight.
8. 我們大量享用奶油茶。
We indulged in a cream tea.
9. 憑包裝上的色帶可免費享用一次“加勒比之味“。
On-pack flashes offer a free 'Taste of the Caribbean'.
10. 科尼利厄斯遺留給她一筆終生享用的錢,每年50英鎊。
Cornelius had left her fifty pounds a year for life.
動詞 have the benefit (of sth); enjoy the use of
1. 盡情享用
heartily enjoy; enjoy sth to one's heart's content
2. 享用自己的勞動果實
enjoy the fruits of one's own labour
3. 享用美食
enjoy delicious food