謠言的英文 謠言用英語怎麼說?
rumour n.謠言;謠傳;傳聞;傳說
hearsay n.聽說;謠傳;轉述證詞
常用 權威
1. 消除謠言
dispel a rumour
2. 聽到謠言
hear a rumour
3. 戳穿謠言
explode a rumour
4. 末日謠言
doomsday rumors
5. 謠言惑眾
spread rumours and mislead the people
6. 誹謗性謠言
scandalous rumour
7. 輕信謠言
give ready credence to rumours
8. 聽信謠言
attach credence to a rumour;believe rumours
9. 誤信謠言
believe rumours by mistake
10. 散播謠言
spread rumours
11. 切莫聽信謠言
never believe rumours
12. 盛傳的謠言
flying rumours
13. 乞靈於謠言和騙術
resort to rumour-mongering and fraud
14. 由某人授意散佈的謠言
rumour inspired by sb
1. 然而,他決定起訴這個人散佈謠言。
He decided, however, to sue (起訴) the man for spreading false rumors.
2. 阻止人們編造和傳播謠言和虛假資訊。
Deter people from fabricating and spreading rumors and false information.
3. 從前,一個人散佈謠言說他的鄰居是小偷。
Once upon a time, a man spread rumors that his neighbour was a thief.
4. 我們必須小心謹慎,以免成為謠言的傳播者。
We must be cautious and careful so as not to become loudspeakers for rumors.
5. 你卑鄙的謠言已經傳播開來,這損害了你鄰居的良好聲譽。
Your mean rumors have spread and harmed the good reputation (名譽) of your neighbour.
6. 謠言不脛而走,說他曾包庇走私。
The rumour somehow went about that he used to shield smuggling.
7. 這一謠言將在事實面前不攻自破。
Facts will eventually kill/scotch the rumour. / Rumour will dissolve itself before facts.
8. 他散佈謠言都是為了遮人耳目。
He spread rumours only to conceal the truth.
9. 這只不過是謠言,是有意的無事生非。
It’s just a rumour, a choreographed much ado about nothing.
10. 他煞費苦心平息裁員的謠言。
He was at great pains to deny the rumour of redundancies.
《謠言》是2010年11月由中信出版社出版的書籍,作者是美國法學家桑斯坦。 該書主要講述謠言的由來幾乎與人類歷史同齡,隨著網際網路的興起和普及,謠言變得無處不在,在言論自由的民主社會,從來就不乏謠言的傳播渠道。該書作者認為,事實經驗的缺乏、情感和偏見導致了謠言的滋生、傳播和影響力的擴大,為了防止網路時代越來越容易被引爆的謠言,最根本的方法在於摸清散佈謠言者的心理機制和謠言的傳播機制,並輔之以法律監管和文化規範的手段,就能在源頭上減弱謠言的力量,從而保護人們和機構少受“莫須有”的罪名的傷害。
名詞 rumour; groundless allegation; hearsay
1. 謠言傳開了。
The rumour passed from mouth to mouth.
2. 市場上謠言蜂起。
Rumours swept the marketplace.
3. 謠言四起。
All sorts of rumours are going round.
4. 謠言被平息了。
The rumour was laid to rest.
5. 末日謠言
doomsday rumors
6. 誹謗性謠言
scandalous rumour
7. 惡毒的謠言
sinister/virulent rumour
8. 追查謠言
trace a rumour to its source
9. 制止謠言
set at rest a rumour; spike a rumour
10. 製造謠言
manufacture/start a rumour
11. 消除謠言
dispel a rumour
12. 聽信謠言
attach credence to a rumour
13. 聽到謠言
hear a rumour
14. 散佈謠言
spread/pass/circulate rumours
15. 戳穿謠言
explode/scotch a rumour
16. 傳播謠言
circulate/spread a rumour