股票的英文 股票用英語怎麼說?
share n.份;份額;股份;責任;貢獻;分配額;部分所有權;分擔量
stock n.庫存;存貨;資本;股本;原湯;高湯;祖先;世系;家系;種類;種群;樹幹;主幹;紫羅蘭屬植物;手足枷;槍托;白色領結;白色領帶;船臺
常用 權威
1. 股票型基金
equity/stock fund
2. 冷門股票
low-price issues
3. 股票振幅
stock amplitude
4. 股票指數
stock index
5. 低利股票
low dividend stock
6. 低值股票
penny stock
7. 股票過戶
share transfer
8. 熱門股票
blue chip stock; hot/glamour stock
9. 定期股票
term share
10. 工業股票
industrial share/stock
11. 業績股票
performance shares
12. 股票持有人
shareholder; stockholder
13. 投資股票
invest in stocks
14. 股票盈利
premium on capital stock
15. 記名股票
inscribed stocks; registered/nominal shares
16. 股票分割
stock split
17. 股票交易
stock exchange/transaction/dealing
18. 臨時股票
19. 定息股票
fixed interest stock
20. 掛牌股票
listed stock
1. 股票經紀人被用來代表鐵路旅客。
The stockbroker is used to stand for rail travelers.
2. 股票價格根據他的宣告上漲或下跌。
Stock prices rose or sank according to his pronouncements.
3. 新的數字技術使得股票交易更加快速。
New digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities.
4. 第一段中的股票經紀人。
The stockbroker in Para 1.
5. 當然,關閉的商店、沮喪的高管和下沉的股票表明情況並非如此。
Of course, the closed stores, depressed executives, and sinking stocks suggest otherwise.
6. 股票價格不斷/略有/正在上漲。
Share prices are rising steadily/are slightly higher/are on the advance.
7. 藉著股票下跌的茬口,趕快買進。
With stocks going down, you shouldn’t miss the chance to buy in.
8. 專家預測股票行情將有上升趨勢。
Experts have forecast an upturn in stock prices.
9. 這些股票得立即脫手,不然要虧。
To cut a loss, we must get these stocks off our hands immediately.
10. 石油股票因無新的資助而萎縮。
Oil shares sagged owing to lack of fresh support.
股票(stock)是股份公司發行的所有權憑證。它是股份公司為籌集資金而發行給各個股東作為持股憑證並藉以取得股息和紅利的一種有價證券。 股票是資本市場的主要長期信用工具,可以轉讓、買賣,股東憑藉它可以分享公司的利潤,但也要承擔公司運作錯誤所帶來的風險。
名詞 share/stock certificate; share; stock
1. 股票上漲/下跌。
Stock is moving up/down. / Stock is going up/down.
2. 股票投資
equity investment
3. 股票投機
speculation in shares
4. 股票面值
face value of a share/stock
5. 股票賣出價
asked price
6. 股票買進價
bid price
7. 股票清理公司
stock clearing corporation
8. 股票價格
price of stock; share/stock price
9. 股票過戶
share transfer
10. 投資股票
invest in stocks
11. 認購股票
subscribe to shares; acquire shares
12. 買賣股票
buy and sell stocks
13. 發行股票
issue shares
14. 持有股票
have/hold/own shares