不敢的英文 不敢用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-07



don't contraction不(同do not)

be afraid to 害怕

dare not 不敢;怎敢

常用 權威



1. 不敢當

[used in response to a compliment or a generous treatment] I really don't deserve this; it's too much of an honour; I'm flattered

2. 不敢得罪人

dare not offend anybody

3. 不敢苟同

cannot agree; beg to differ;beg to differ; cannot agree

4. 不敢問津

not dare to make enquiries;dare not inquire about/show interest (in)/ask about the price

5. 不敢造次

not dare to be presumptuous; not dare to act rashly

6. 不敢受賄

dare not take bribes

7. 不敢掠美

cannot claim credit due to sb else; dare not take credit for sb else's accomplishment

8. 不敢旁騖

dare not let one's attention wander

9. 不敢越雷池一步

not dare to go one step beyond the limit; keep cautiously within bounds; be scrupulous; not dare to jump beyond the fence

10. 嚇得不敢做聲

be scared into silence

11. 做事不敢苟且

do things carefully

12. 嚇得不敢作聲

be intimidated into silence

13. 不敢妄自置喙

dare not interrupt


1. 但我不敢開啟它,直到我走到外面。

But I was afraid to open it until I was outside.

2. 我簡直不敢相信我變得這麼瘦。

I couldn't believe how thin I became.

3. 我不敢相信今天是初中的最後一天。

I can't believe that today is the last day of junior high school.

4. 因為發音不好,我不敢問問題。

I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation (pronounce).

5. 我不敢在一大群人面前講話。

I was afraid to speak in front of a large group of people.

6. 因為我太緊張了,不敢在公眾面前表達自己。

Because I'm too nervous to express myself in front of the public.

7. 我不敢相信在世界上這麼多地方獵鴨仍然是合法的。

I can't believe that duck hunting is still legal in so many parts of the world.

8. 她不敢問簡單的問題,也不敢在別人面前大聲說話。

She was afraid to ask simple questions and speak loud in front of others.

9. 媽媽瞪了我一眼,我不敢吭聲了。

Mother shot a glare at me, and I dared not say another word.

10. 棋逢對手難相勝,將遇良才不敢驕。

When players of equal skill are matched, victory hovers between; when generals of equal talent meet, conceit is to be guarded against.



  拼音:bù gǎn   基本解釋:   1. (1)   2.   3. [I dare not;how dare I]∶沒有膽量,沒有勇氣做某事   他不敢拒絕妻子的要求   4. (2)   5.   6. [do not]∶不要   7. (3)   8.   9. [don't deserve it]∶謙詞,不敢當   詳細解釋:





動詞 not dare to do sth

1. 不敢講實話

do not dare to tell the truth

2. 不敢高攀

dare not make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social status

3. 不敢得罪人

dare not offend anybody

動詞 null

動詞 don't; be afraid to

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