值的英文 值用英語怎麼說?
value n.重要性;珍貴性;價值觀念;標準;值;時值;確切意義;明暗度;價值
be worth 值得
happen to 發生;碰巧;偶然
be on duty 值班;值日;執勤
deserving adj.應得的
worth adj.相當於…價值的;值…錢的
常用 權威
1. 累計值
total value
2. 硬度值
hardness number
3. 贏得值
earned value
4. 抗爆值
antiknock rating
5. 分貝值
decibel count
6. 優選值
preferred value
7. 關鍵值
crucial value
8. 標度值
scale value
9. 當前值
current/present value
10. 飽和值
saturation value
11. 本底值
background value
12. 序列值
successive value
13. 效用值
value of utility
14. 遺漏值
missing value
15. 音節值
syllabic value
16. 糠醛值
furfural number
17. 離散值
discrete value
18. 重力值
gravity value
19. 函式值
functional value
20. 沉澱值
precipitation number
1. 一隻籃子值5元。
A basket alone costs 5 yuan.
2. 研究人員分析了包含精瘦肌肉和腹部脂肪測量值在內的資料。
The researchers looked at data that included measurements of lean muscle and abdominal.
3. 那塊手錶充其量值五十塊錢。
That watch will cost 50 yuan at the outside.
4. 她的大衣值好幾百鎊呢。
Her coat costs hundreds of pounds.
5. 她穿的這些游泳衣每件值50美元。
Those swimsuits she wears are $50 a pop.
6. 他的生意對我來說值一大筆錢。
His business is worth a round sum to me.
7. 因此根據這個公式計算得出的值必為負數。
It thus follows from this equation that the value must be negative.
8. 那些花瓶值不少錢哪。
Those vases are worth a few bob.
9. 在珠光寶氣的背後,鑽石真的值那麼多錢嗎?
Behind the bling-bling: are diamonds worth it?
10. 用美國財富標準作為全球財富標準的替代值。
The use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure.
名詞 value
動詞 be worth; have the stated value
名詞 value
形詞 deserving; worth
動詞 happen to
動詞 be on duty; take one's turn (at sth)