存錢的英文 存錢用英語怎麼說?
save/deposit/lodge money; place money on deposit
常用 權威
1. 存錢罐
money box; piggy bank
2. 存錢防老
save money for old age
3. 存錢首付
save money for down payment
1. 孩子們可以選擇存錢或者用信用卡消費。
Children can choose to save their money or spend it using a card.
2. 她想盡可能多地存錢。
She wanted to save much money as possible.
3. 當我是個青少年的時候,我從來沒有學會如何存錢。
When I was a teenager, I never learned how to save money.
4. 他們有貸款、賬單、抵押貸款要支付,要為退休存錢。
They have loans, bills, a mortgage (抵押貸款) to pay off, retirement to save for.
5. 很多人存錢
Many people keep savings in the bank against old age.
6. 沒有人讓我有需要存錢的想法。
Nobody impressed on me the need to save.
7. 這個措施是對存錢和花錢的一個折中。
The measure expresses a mean between saving and splashing out.
8. 這是個存錢的最佳機會。
This is an ideal opportunity to save money.
9. 存錢以備不時之需。
Putting money by for a rainy day.
10. 儲蓄者轉求單位信託公司,視其為最好的存錢處。
Savers are turning to unit trusts as the best place to tuck away their money.
《存錢》是由鄭鈞元作詞,袁惟仁作曲,川島茉樹代演唱的國語流行歌曲,由福茂唱片發行於2000年6月2日,收錄於專輯《Makiyo 同名專輯》中。
動詞 save/deposit/lodge money; place money on deposit
1. 在銀行存錢
place money on deposit at a bank
2. 存錢防老
save money for old age