去掉的英文 去掉用英語怎麼說?
get rid of 擺脫, 丟棄
remove v.去掉;除去;廢除;取消;遠離;隔代的;隔親的;除掉;轉移;調動
do away with 廢除, 消滅
常用 權威
1. 去掉包袱
get rid of a burden
2. 去掉(一些)鹹味
remove (some of) the saltiness
1. 一個人必須剃光他們的頭髮才能去掉他們頭髮上的蝙蝠。
One would have to shave their head to remove a bat in their hair.
2. 我無意把她從名單上去掉,只是忘了她。
It wasn’t my intention to exclude her from the list—I just forgot her.
3. 做魚前要去掉鱗片。
Fish should be scaled before cooking.
4. 去掉胡蘿蔔上的綠頭並且刮乾淨。
Remove the green tops from the carrots and scrape them.
5. 去掉後半部分說明中的多餘的話。
Removing the excrescences of later interpretation.
6. 她會像施魔法那樣去掉你的疣。
She will charm your warts away .
7. 她匆忙去掉夾子收起了已清洗的衣物。
She hastily unpegged her washing.
8. 他刷了刷衣袖,去掉絨毛。
He brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff.
9. 去掉肉中任何多餘的肥肉。
Trim any excess fat off the meat.
10. 去掉牡蠣的殼並排幹水分。
Shuck and drain the oysters.
動詞 get rid of; remove; do away with
1. 去掉思想上的負擔
get a load off one's mind
2. 去掉墨水漬
remove ink stains/spots
3. 去掉不良習慣
get rid of a bad habit
4. 去掉包袱
get rid of a burden