搬的英文 搬用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-22


move v.動;移動;改變位置;改變狀態;進展;發展;在…中進行社交活動;動議;提議;使(腸)排空

take away 拿走;奪去

remove v.去掉;除去;廢除;取消;遠離;隔代的;隔親的;除掉;轉移;調動

carry v.抬;搬運;運送;支撐;承載;具有;把(觀點;活動)推向;使延續;以多數同意批准;刊登;播送;廣播;可傳到

transport v.運輸;運送;輸送;將…流放到流放地;使…感覺置身於另一境地;使…充滿強烈情感

haul v.拖;拉;突然改變航道;費力前進;艱難地走;強迫…接受申斥;迫使…出庭受審;用力拉;拽

migrate v.遷徙;移棲;洄游;移居;轉移;改用作業系統;遷移;把(程式;硬體)從一系統轉移到另一系統

常用 權威



1. 搬傢俱

move the furniture

2. 螞蟻搬泰山

ants removing Mount Tai—the united efforts of the masses can accomplish mighty projects

3. 教條地搬用解構主義方法

adopt methods of deconstructionism dogmatically


1. 海軍部門在1879年到了東翼。

The Navy Department moved into the east wing in 1879.

2. 不久之後,我到另一個城市上初中。

Shortly afterwards, I moved to another city for my junior high school.

3. 18歲時,他到了美國。

At the age of 18, he moved to the United States.

4. 是否要到本州的大陸。

Whether not to move to the state's mainland.

5. 數字技術的使用可以將已故名人的影像重新上銀幕。

The use of digital technology can bring images of deceased celebrities back to the screen.

6. 如果一個俄羅斯人到國外生活或工作,他可能會帶上一把三絃琴。

If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him.

7. 我們剛的家,還沒安頓下來呢。

We just moved house and we haven’t settled in.

8. 沒人幫忙,我可不動這架鋼琴。

I can’t move the piano without help.

9. 有些傢俱搬來搬去都給壞了。

Some of the furniture got broken by being moved from place to place.

10. 那部小說去年被上了舞臺。

The novel was dramatized/staged last year.



動詞 move; take away; remove; carry; transport; haul

1. 有些傢俱搬來搬去都給搬壞了。

Some of the furniture got broken by being moved from place to place.

2. 沒人幫忙,我可搬不動這架鋼琴。

I can't move the piano without help.

3. 別把躺椅搬來搬去的。

Don't move the couch about.

4. 把桌子搬出去/進來/開

move the table out/in/away

5. 把屋子搬空

strip the house bare

6. 搬掉絆腳石

remove a stumbling block

動詞 change residence; move; migrate

1. 我們三年搬了四次家。

We've had four moves in three years.

2. 從城裡搬到鄉下

move from the city to the country

3. 搬走/來

move out/in

4. 搬往新居

move to a new house

5. 搬回中國

move back to China

6. 搬出該市

move out of the city

動詞 adapt and show

1. 那部小說去年被搬上了舞臺。

The novel was dramatized/staged last year.

2. 搬上銀幕

adapt for the screen; make a film of some play, novel, etc

動詞 apply/copy indiscriminately; adopt mechanically

1. 盲目機械地照搬別人的東西

copy sth from sb blindly and mechanically

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