噓的英文 噓用英語怎麼說?
hush v.使(人)安靜;使…住嘴;噓;隱瞞;遮掩;別作聲
shh excl.噓;別作聲
sh int.噓;安靜
ssh int.噓 (要求對方安靜)
shush excl.噓
sigh v.嘆氣;嘆息;呼嘯;悲鳴;渴望;思慕
hiss v.噝噝作聲;發噓聲;小聲說
boo excl.呸;噓
heat n.熱;高溫;憤怒;激動;強烈的情緒;預賽;熱能;熱度;炎熱天氣;辣味
scald v.燙傷;加熱(牛奶等液體)至接近沸點;用熱水浸泡;燙洗;引起灼痛感
常用 權威
1. 噓下場
boo sb off the stage
2. 噓了一口氣
breathe out a slow breath
1. 噓,別出聲!
Sh!/Hush! Keep quiet.
2. 重擊聲之後緊接著是姑媽們的“噓“聲。
The thumps were followed by shushes from the aunts.
3. 噓!想知道一個秘密嗎?
Psst! Want to know a secret?
4. ’ “噓,安靜!孩子。去做要你做的事吧。
‘Whisht, child. Away and do what you're told.
5. 噓!別人會聽見你。
Hush! Someone will hear you.
6. 噓!說話小聲點。
Shh! Keep your voice down!
7. 他被噓下了臺。
He was hissed off the stage.
8. “噓!你想吵醒每一個人嗎?“
Shush! Do you want to wake everyone?'
9. 只有一間酒吧。“噓!”
There's only one bar. ‘Boo!’
10. 噓,小聲點兒。佛爺正在唸經哪!
Hush, be quiet. The monk is reciting sutras!
噓,讀音為“xū、shī”,漢語漢字,筆畫共14畫,左右結構,多音字。讀xū時,指的是慢慢地吐氣;也可指嘆氣;還可指火或氣的熱力燻炙。讀shī時,用作嘆詞,表示反對,制止等。組詞有吹噓、噓唏。 相關詩句有:“長噓吸以於悒兮,涕橫集而成行。”出自《楚辭·劉向·九嘆·憂苦》。
嘆詞 [used to stop sb from doing sth, or to drive sb or sth away] hush; shh
1. 噓,別出聲!
Sh!/Hush! Keep quiet.
動詞 exhale slowly; breathe out slowly
1. 噓了一口氣
breathe out a slow breath
動詞 sigh
1. 失望而噓
sigh with disappointment
擬詞 [sound of exhaling]
1. 他氣憤地噓了一聲。
He sighed in rage.
動詞 hiss; boo
1. 噓下場
boo sb off the stage
嘆詞 sh; shh; ssh; shush; hush
1. 噓!別把孩子吵醒了!
Sh! You'll wake up the baby!
動詞 heat; scald
1. 把餅放在爐子上噓一噓。
Put the cake over the fire for a while.