損害的英文 損害用英語怎麼說?
harm n.傷害;損失;損害;壞處;危險
injure v.傷害;損害;受傷;冤枉
spoil v.損害;破壞;毀壞;糟蹋;把…寵壞;溺愛;極度渴望;躍躍欲試;搶劫;掠奪
damage n.損壞;損傷;傷害;損害賠償金;損害
impair v.削弱;損害
常用 權威
1. 受損害
come to harm; be harmed
2. 損害保險
insurance of damage
3. 損害友誼
impair friendship
4. 損害索賠
claim for damage
5. 遭受損害
suffer injuries; receive damages
6. 惡意損害
malicious damage
7. 蓄意損害
malicious damage
8. 損害賠償
compensation for damage
9. 損害公共利益
work against public interests;work against the public interest
10. 名譽損害賠償
indemnity for defamation
11. 無足輕重的損害
minor damage
12. 給國家經濟的發展造成損害
hurt the country's economic growth
1. 這對一個人的心理健康有損害。
It does harm to one's mental health.
2. 他們就重大損失要求損害賠償。
They claimed damages for their heavy losses.
3. 想得太多也會損害我們形成偏好的能力。
Thinking too much can also harm our ability to form preferences.
4. 醫生告訴我,多年來吸菸損害了我的健康。
The doctor told me that many years smoking had weakened my health.
5. 隨著時間的推移,額外的擦洗會損害你的地板。
The extra scrubbing will harm your floors over time.
6. 你可能會因損害你未來的職業前景而迷失方向。
You might lose down the track by injuring your future career prospects.
7. 保羅·阿諾德擔心小規模收購可能會損害國民經濟。
Paul Arnold is concerned that small acquisitions might harm the national economy.
8. 大約 350 年前,這場火災給該地區帶來了損害。
The fire brought damage (損害) to the area about 350 years ago.
9. 其他交通工具造成的環境損害必須受到更嚴格的審查。
Other transport must come under far greater scrutiny.
10. 他們擔心這會損害他們的經濟,剝奪他們急需的技術工人。
They fear that it hurts their economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled workers.
動詞 harm; injure; spoil; damage; impair
1. 這種藥劑量過大會損害肝臟。
Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
2. 憂慮損害了她的健康。
Care preyed upon her health.
3. 兩國的關係會受到損害。
The relationship between the two countries will suffer.
4. 給國家經濟的發展造成損害
hurt the country's economic growth
5. 嚴重損害
badly/seriously/severely injure
6. 造成損害
produce/cause damage
7. 遭受損害
suffer injuries; receive damages
8. 損害人民的利益
jeopardize/damage the interests of the people
9. 損害雙邊關係
harm/damage/undermine the bilateral relations
10. 損害視力
impair one's vision; harm one's eyes
11. 損害某人的名聲
harm/mar/spoil sb's reputation
12. 損害健康
injure/damage/undermine one's health; be harmful to one's health
13. 損害國家聲譽
wound/harm/hurt the national honour
14. 損害公共利益
work against public interests