鬥爭的英文 鬥爭用英語怎麼說?
struggle v.鬥爭;抵抗;掙扎;奮鬥;努力;爭鬥;衝突;掙扎求生;疲於應付;艱難行進
fight v.打架;鬥毆;反對;爭吵;爭論;鬥嘴;擠出一條路;打;參;指揮
strive v.努力;奮鬥;力求;鬥爭;反抗
combat n.戰鬥;格鬥;鬥爭;反對
常用 權威
1. 自發的鬥爭
spontaneous struggle
2. 激烈鬥爭
fierce struggle
3. 反帝鬥爭
anti-imperialist struggle
4. 宗派鬥爭
factional strife
5. 對敵鬥爭
struggle against the enemy
6. 幫派鬥爭
factional struggle/strife
7. 武裝鬥爭
armed struggle
8. 生存鬥爭
struggle for survival
9. 鬥爭會
public accusation/denouncing meeting
10. 革命鬥爭
revolutionary struggle
11. 放棄鬥爭
relinquish one's struggle
12. 反腐鬥爭
anti-corruption struggle; struggle against corruption
13. 路線鬥爭
struggle between two lines; two-line struggle
14. 政治鬥爭
political struggle
15. 流血鬥爭
sanguinary struggle
16. 逃避鬥爭
evade struggle
17. 鬥爭策略
tactics of struggle
18. 抗暴鬥爭
struggle against violent repression
19. 思想鬥爭
ideological struggle;mental conflict/struggle
20. 階級鬥爭
class struggle
1. 他們花了十六年時間和沙漠作鬥爭。
They have spent 16 years fighting against the desert.
2. 中國在與貧困的鬥爭中取得了徹底勝利。
China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty.
3. 與苦難作鬥爭的勇氣使生命值得活下去。
The courage to fight suffering renders life worth living.
4. 他正與喉嚨感染作鬥爭。
He was fighting a throat infection.
5. 人們舉辦許多不同的活動來與疾病作鬥爭。
People are holding many different events to fight against diseases.
6. 我們應當敦促我們的政府來領導這場鬥爭。
We should press our government to lead the combat.
7. 這也是一場密碼制定者和破譯者之間的鬥爭。
It was also a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them.
8. 密碼破譯在西班牙的鬥爭中有著更為廣泛的意義。
The code breaking has its wider relevance in the struggle for Spain.
9. 迄今為止所有現存社會的歷史都是階級鬥爭的歷史。
The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
10. 為避免數字化封建主義的到來,需要進行長期鬥爭。
A long struggle will be needed to avoid a future of digital feudalism.
鬥爭,讀音為dòu zhēng,漢語詞語,指戰爭。後也指矛盾雙方的衝突、爭鬥;爭吵;爭辯等,例句為“ 知識從勞動中來,才能從鬥爭中來。” 《韓非子·顯學》:“ 宋榮子之議,設不鬥爭,取不隨仇,不羞囹圄,見侮不辱,世主以為寬而禮之。” 鬥爭的近義詞有搏鬥、爭鬥等;反義詞有妥協、和解等。
動詞 struggle; fight; strive; combat
1. 與恐怖主義鬥爭
combat/fight terrorism
2. 與壞習慣鬥爭
combat one's bad habits
3. 與大自然鬥爭
fight against the forces of nature
4. 同不公正進行鬥爭
fight injustice
5. 同厄運鬥爭
struggle against adverse fate
6. 同不正之風斗爭
combat unhealthy tendencies
7. 鬥爭到底
fight to the end
名詞 struggle; fight
1. 殊死的鬥爭
mortal combat
2. 善與惡的鬥爭
combat/conflict between good and evil
3. 你死我活的鬥爭
life-and-death struggle
4. 激烈鬥爭
fierce struggle
5. 革命鬥爭
revolutionary struggle
6. 對敵鬥爭
struggle against the enemy
7. 展開英勇的鬥爭
conduct a brave struggle; put up a heroic struggle
8. 面臨一場鬥爭
face a struggle
9. 進行鬥爭
give battle; carry on/conduct/wage a struggle
10. 避免一場流血鬥爭
avoid a bloody struggle
11. 把鬥爭進行到底
carry the struggle through to the end; carry the fight to the finish
動詞 accuse and denounce at a meeting
動詞 strive/fight/struggle (for a purpose)