燒的英文 燒用英語怎麼說?
burn v.燒;燃燒;曬黑;曬痛;曬傷;以…作燃料;飛速駕駛;燒錄;燒傷;燙傷
heat n.熱;高溫;憤怒;激動;強烈的情緒;預賽;熱能;熱度;炎熱天氣;辣味
cook v.烹調;煮;燒;篡改;偽造;幹得起勁;做得歡;幹得好
roast v.烤;炙;烘;發燙;嚴厲批評;烘乾;烘焙;使受熱發燙
braise v.燉
have a temperature 發燒;發熱
fever n.發燒;發熱;熱病;焦躁;激動不安;狂熱
常用 權威
1. 燒木炭
make charcoal
1. 記住,你不能蠟燭兩頭燒。
Remember,you can't burn the candle at both ends.
2. 他有了幾個閒錢看把他燒的。
He was swollen with arrogance with some spare cash in his pocket. / His money is burning a hole in his pocket.
3. 他發著燒還挺著上課。
He’s come to class in spite of his fever.
4. 燒煤氣比燒煤上算。
It’s more economical to use gas than coal.
5. 病人的燒下去了。
The patient’s fever is down.
6. 用文火在預熱過的烤箱燒這道菜。
Bake the dish in a preheated slow oven.
7. 被改裝成燒天然氣的柴油機。
A diesel engine converted to burn natural gas.
8. 天主教徒和新教徒家都被燒了,已無家可歸。
Catholics and Protestants were burned out of their homes.
9. 他把所有的信都燒了。
[with obj.]he burned all the letters.
10. 她演示如何燒排骨。
She demonstrated howto cook chops.
動詞 burn
1. 這隻爐子是燒油的。
This stove is an oil-burner.
2. 市鎮全給燒光了。
The town is completely burnt out.
3. 木房子很快就燒起來了。
The wooden house was quickly ablaze.
4. 火燒得正旺。
The fire is burning briskly.
5. 乾柴好燒。
Dry wood burns easily.
6. 把沙發燒了個洞
burn a hole in the sofa
7. 把木頭燒成木炭
burn wood for charcoal
8. 燒麥杆/玉米杆
burn wheat straws/cornstalks
9. 燒煤/天然氣
burn coal/natural gas
10. 燒舊信
burn an old letter
動詞 heat
1. 陶器是用文火焙燒的。
Pottery is burnt at a moderate heat.
2. 水燒開了。
The water is boiling.
3. 燒磚
bake/fire bricks
4. 燒水
heat up water
5. 燒木炭
make charcoal
動詞 burn [cause destructive change owing to contact with some chemical substance]
1. 硫酸燒壞了他的手。
His hands were burnt by sulphur.
動詞 damage/injure by excessive/improper use of fertilizer
1. 上肥太多,把根兒都燒壞了。
Overfertilization burned the roots.
2. 施肥過多會燒壞莊稼。
The crops will be damaged by excessive application of fertilizer.
動詞 null
動詞 run a fever; have a temperature
名詞 fever
形詞 swollen-headed