一系列的英文 一系列用英語怎麼說?
a series of 一系列
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 一系列辦法
a whole variety of ways
2. 一系列建議
a string of proposals
3. 一系列講座
a series of lectures
4. 一系列的事件
a whole train of events
5. 頒佈一系列赦令
proclaim a series of amnesties
1. 她在一系列軍事行動中英勇作戰。
She fought bravely in a series of military operations.
2. 接下來是無休止的一系列步驟。
What comes next is the endless series of steps.
3. 它需要一系列複雜的蛋白質來分解。
It needs a series of complex proteins to break it down.
4. 事實上,在那裡有一系列有趣的研究。
The fact of the matter is that there is a whole range of interesting research out there.
5. 因為它們的細胞外有一系列長壽基因。
Because they have a line of long-living genes out of the cells.
6. 讓孩子們在人行道上畫畫的一系列臺階。
A series of steps for children to draw on the sidewalk.
7. 我們有一系列表達不同程度感激的詞彙。
We had a range of words that express different grades of gratitude.
8. 他們問了工人一系列與程式有關的問題。
They asked the workers a range of procedure-related questions.
9. 二戰後,一系列變化重塑了學校——還有午餐。
After World War IⅡ, a bunch of changes reshaped schools--and lunches.
10. 這是在一系列的人身攻擊和言語辱罵之後發生的。
This came after a series of physical attacks and verbal abuse by customers.
形詞 a series of
1. 計算機硬體需要一系列指令來驅動。
The hardware of a computer needs to be driven by a sequence of instructions.
2. 進行一系列細緻的科學觀察
make a careful series of scientific observations (of)
3. 一系列問題
a whole series of questions/problems
4. 一系列建議
a string of proposals
5. 一系列的事件
a whole train of events
6. 一系列措施/講座
a series of measures/lectures
7. 一系列辦法
a whole variety of ways
a series of