做晚餐的英文 做晚餐用英語怎麼說?
make dinner 做晚飯;做晚餐;準備晚餐
常用 重點詞彙
1. 朱叔叔正在做晚餐的蔬菜沙拉。
Uncle Zhu is making a vegetable salad for dinner now.
2. 做晚餐沒有什麼神秘的。
There's nothing mysterious about cooking the evening meal.
3. 節目表演完後,團主開始做晚餐.
After the show the showman began to make dinner.
4. 一起做晚餐,半夜三更給她溫暖?
Making a dinner together and have one frozen to save on the witching hour?
5. 給全家人做晚餐真不是件容易的事.
Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy.
6. 我想 我們要一起做晚餐了。
I think we'll cook dinner together.
7. 要是你贏了撾替全家做晚餐。
Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.
8. 她要晚一點回家,叫我自己做晚餐吃。
She was going to be a little late getting home and asks me to make something for dinner.
9. 接著她去廚房為丈夫做晚餐。
Then, she went into the kitchen to fix supper for her husband.
10. 記得嗎,你要是贏了,我給全家做晚餐。
Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.
make dinner