名稱的英文 名稱用英語怎麼說?
name (of a thing or organization)
常用 權威
1. 名稱權
right of name
2. 名稱伺服器
name server
3. 名稱標籤
name tag
4. 改換名稱
rename; redesignate
5. 商標名稱
brand/trade name
6. 原產地名稱
appellation of origin
7. 更改名稱
change the name
8. 地理名稱
geographical name
9. 賬戶名稱
account title
10. 名稱學
1. 重陽節的名稱最早出現在三國時期。
The name of the Chongyang Festival first appeared in the Three Kingdoms Period.
2. 寫下你能記得的所有美國州的名稱。
Write down the names of all the American states you can remember.
3. 它是海綿的正式名稱。
It is the sponge's official name.
4. 名稱中的\coca\指的是古柯葉的提取物。
The \coca\ in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf.
5. 心明眼亮的讀者肯定注意到了這幅照片名稱搞錯了。
Discerning readers would have noticed that the photograph had a wrong caption.
6. 球隊接受該公司的贊助,所以球員們的球衣上都印有該公司的名稱。
The team is sponsored by this company, whose name is printed on the shirts of the players for this reason.
7. 合夥人加署公司名稱或個人姓名。
Signed by a partner who would either adhibit the firm's signature or his own.
8. 你有沒有聽說過這類傻乎乎的名稱?
Did you ever hear such dopey names?
9. 留下空白以便打上適當的名稱。
Leave blanks to type in the appropriate names.
10. 軟木塞側面有墨水印出的葡萄園名稱。
The cork has the name of the château inked on to the side.
名稱(讀音:míng chēng),漢語詞語,本義是指名號稱謂,也指事物名。
名詞 name (of a thing or organization)
1. 商標名稱
brand/trade name