常用的英文 常用用英語怎麼說?
in common use 常用
常用 權威
1. 常用量
usual dosage
2. 常用藥
commonly used remedy
3. 日常用語
everyday words;everyday words; words and expressions for everyday use
4. 常用電壓
common voltage
5. 選用常用詞
choose words in common use
6. 日常用品
articles for daily use; daily essentials/necessities/necessaries
7. 常用方法
conventional method
8. 常用對數
common logarithm
1. 這種強度通常用於專業事務。
The intensity is usually reserved for professional matters.
2. 我們將研究一些常用的單詞和表達方式。
We will research into some commonly used words and expressions.
3. 國內生產總值一直是衡量國家經濟活躍情況最常用的方法。
GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations.
4. “啊”在漢語口語中是常用嘆詞。
‘Oh’ is a common exclamation in standard spoken Chinese.
5. 詩歌中常用玫瑰花比喻愛情。
In poetry the rose is often a metaphor of love.
6. 歐芹常用作沙拉的配菜。
Parsley is often used to garnish salads.
7. 人們過去常用人力把鋼琴搬下樓。
Men used to manhandle the piano down the stairs.
8. 馬檳榔常用來點綴餐前開胃小菜。
Capers are often used to garnish cocktail savouries.
9. 他的殘疾妨礙他使用常用的設施。
His disability hinders him from using the usual facilities.
10. 許多字尾很常用,構詞能力很強。
Many suffixes are common and productive.
形詞 often/commonly used; in common use
1. 選用常用詞
choose words in common use
2. 不常用
be of little use; be seldom/rarely used
3. 常用藥
commonly used remedy
4. 常用方法
conventional method
5. 常用詞語
everyday/common words and expressions; words and expressions in everyday/common use