談判的英文 談判用英語怎麼說?
negotiate/parley/bargain (with sb); hold talks/parleys
常用 權威
1. 談判桌
conference/bargaining/negotiating table
2. 幕後談判
backroom negotiation
3. 裁軍談判
talks on disarmament
4. 恢復談判
renew negotiations; resume talks
5. 談判千迴百轉
tortuous negotiations
6. 最高階談判
top-level negotiations
7. 中止談判
suspend negotiations; break off negotiations
8. 外交談判
diplomatic negotiation;diplomatic negotiations
9. 首輪談判
first round of talks
10. 暫停談判
suspend talks
11. 推進談判
press forward with the talks
12. 貿易談判
trade negotiations/talks
13. 商務談判
commercial negotiations;business negotiation
14. 停止談判
cease negotiations
15. 繼續談判
resume talks; continue negotiations
16. 談判失利
suffer a setback in negotiation
17. 破壞談判
sabotage a negotiation
18. 談判老手
veteran negotiator
19. 和平談判
peace negotiations/talks
20. 邊界談判
border talks/negotiations
1. 其要求重新談判合同的上訴被駁回。
Its appeal to renegotiate the contract had been rejected.
2. 我認為成功的談判者有幾個共同點。
I think successful negotiators have several things in common.
3. 他們更擅長談判達成協議。
They are better at negotiating an agreement.
4. 拙劣的談判者保持現狀並且談判繼續失利。
Poor negotiators remain like that and go on losing negotiations.
5. 我們相信談判是可行的。
We believe negotiation could work.
6. 他們之間的談判破裂了。
The negotiations between them had broken down.
7. 將會進行一些幕後談判。
There would have been some back-room negotiations.
8. 罷工是在長達19個月的談判失敗後發生的。
The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations.
9. 配音演員凱斯·法利擔任SAG-AFTRA談判委員會主席。
Voice actor Keythe Farley chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.
10. 配音演員Key Farley是SAG-AFTRA談判委員會主席。
Voice actor Key the Farley chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.
《協商》(협상)是一部由李鐘奭執導,崔成賢擔任編劇,孫藝珍、玄彬、金相浩等主演的動作懸疑犯罪電影,於2018年9月19日在韓國上映。 該片講述了首爾地方警察廳危機協商組中能力卓越的談判專家(孫藝珍 飾)與綁架了自己上司的綁匪(玄彬 飾)對峙的故事。
動詞 negotiate/parley/bargain (with sb); hold talks/parleys
1. 兩國就邊界問題透過談判達成正式協議。
The two nations negotiated a formal agreement on the boundary question.
2. 經過馬拉松式的談判後,問題終於得到解決。
A settlement was reached after a marathon negotiation.
3. 工會與僱主談判,要求增加工資,改善工作條件。
Trade unions bargained/negotiated with employers for higher pay and better working conditions.
4. 談判破裂/失敗。
The negotiations broke down/failed.
5. 談判進展順利。
Negotiations were going smoothly.
6. 外交談判
diplomatic negotiations
7. 停火談判
ceasefire parleys/talks
8. 商務談判
commercial negotiations
9. 秘密談判
secret/backstage negotiations
10. 貿易談判
trade negotiations/talks
11. 高階談判
high-level negotiations
12. 裁軍談判
talks on disarmament
13. 談判的結果
product/result of talks
14. 談判的籌碼
bargaining chip
15. 談判中斷/暫停
talks/negotiations break down/adjourn
16. 中止談判
break off talks/negotiations
17. 停止談判
cease negotiations
18. 開始談判
enter into/open negotiations
19. 舉行談判
hold talks; conduct a negotiation; hold a parley
20. 結束談判
terminate negotiations
21. 繼續談判
resume talks; continue negotiations
22. 恢復談判
reopen/resume talks; resume parleys