注射的英文 注射用英語怎麼說?
inject v.注射;插入;給…注射藥物;給自己注射致幻毒品;注入;注入或射入;將(宇宙飛船等)射入軌道;使充滿
常用 權威
1. 皮內注射
endermic/intracutaneous/intradermal injection
2. 注射療程
course of injection
3. 注射劑
4. 注射器
injector; syringe
5. 肌肉注射
intramuscular injection
6. 注射針頭
syringe needle
7. 預防注射
preventive injection
8. 牙科注射器
dental syringe
9. 無痛注射
painless injection
10. 顯微注射
11. 靜脈注射
venoclysis; intravenous injection
12. 鹽水注射
saline injection
13. 注射疫苗
inject vaccine (into)
14. 注射死刑
lethal injection
15. 動脈注射
intra-arterial injection
16. 皮下注射
subcutaneous/hypodermic injection;skin-pop; inject subcutaneously
17. 注射霍亂疫苗
inoculate sb against cholera
18. 注射硬性毒品
be mainlining on hard drugs
19. 穴位注射療法
point injection therapy
20. 靜脈注射葡萄糖
inject glucose into the veins
1. 第一次注射後,你必須注射第二次。
After the first injection, you have to get the second one.
2. 透過給它們定期清洗和注射。
By giving them regular cleaning and injections.
3. 它是透過注射的。
It is given by injection(注射).
4. 我不得不去醫院注射一些抗生素,因為我真的沒有任何好轉。
I had to go to the hospital to get some antibiotics as I really wasn't getting any better.
5. 注射後,他登時恢復了知覺。
He came to himself at once after the injection.
6. 減少注射處皮膚敏感度的護膚霜。
Creams to desensitize the skin at the site of the injection.
7. 當時我正在給自己注射可卡因。
I was shooting up cocaine.
8. 每天注射一至兩次的療程。
A regimen of one or two injections per day.
9. 瑪麗埃拉一天靜脈注射可卡因5到7次。
Mariella mainlines cocaine five to seven times a day.
10. 攣縮是由肌肉注射引起的。
[count noun]the contractures had been caused by intramuscular injections.
動詞 inject
1. 無痛注射
painless injection
2. 肌肉/靜脈/皮下注射
intramuscular/intravenous/hypodermic injection
3. 注射療程
course of injection
4. 靜脈注射葡萄糖
inject glucose into the veins
5. 給病人注射青黴素
give the patient an injection of penicillin; inject penicillin into the patient
6. 注射霍亂疫苗
inoculate sb against cholera