支配的英文 支配用英語怎麼說?
arrange v.整理;使有條理;排列整齊;安排;改編;解決;事先安排;提前達成協議
allocate v.分配;分派
budget n.預算;一批材料;國家預算;款項;專款
control n.影響力;控制;支配;指揮;管理;對照;指揮員;控制措施;管理辦法;指揮部
dominate v.支配;統治;控制;俯瞰;成為…中最重要(或最顯眼)的人;高聳於
rule n.規則;條例;細則;尺;直尺;計算尺;統治;原則;法則
govern v.統治;治理;管理;成為…的法律;支配;控制;影響;調整;抑制;剋制
常用 權威
1. 支配權
right of disposal
2. 支配命運
mould one's destiny
3. 可支配收入
disposable income; discretionary income
4. 可支配基金
disposable fund
5. 支配性策略
dominant strategy
6. 受感情支配
be ruled by one's feelings
7. 受本能支配
be guided by instinct
8. 任憑感情支配
give way to one's emotions
1. 減肥受算術法則支配。
Weight loss is dictated by the laws of arithmetic.
2. 相比之下,我們自己的生活是由數字支配的。
In contrast, our own lives are governed by numbers.
3. 金星被困在失控的溫室效應的燃燒死亡支配中。
Venus was trapped in the burning death-grip of a runaway greenhouse effect.
4. 你可以自由支配時間。
You can spend your time as you please.
5. 人受習慣的支配。
A habit has a hold on you.
6. 思想支配行動。
People’s actions are governed by their thinking.
7. 精神支配肉體。
The mind governs the body.
8. 二十歲時起支配作用的是意志,三十歲時是機智,四十歲時是判斷。
At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgement.
9. 他們有在道德上支配富人的力量。
[count noun]they have a moral ascendancy over the rich.
10. 有關男人應當支配女人的觀點。
The idea that men should have power over women.
支配(英文:allocate),讀音zhī pèi。漢語漢字,釋義是安排。對人或事物起引導和控制的作用。例如:在好奇心的支配下,他索性把小鬧鐘拆了。 最初運用於技術工程系統。現在,支配的概念更加廣泛,它已用於生命機體、人類社會和管理系統之中。從一定意義上說,管理的過程就是支配的過程。因此,支配既是管理的一項重要職能,又貫穿於管理的全過程。 支配的近義詞:駕馭,擺佈,把持。支配的反義詞:被動,主宰。
動詞 arrange; allocate; budget
1. 你可以自由支配時間。
You can spend your time as you please.
2. 善於支配時間
be good at planning/allotting/budgeting one's time
3. 合理支配收入
make good use of one's income; put one's income to proper uses
4. 合理支配勞動力
make a proper allocation of labour force
動詞 control; dominate; rule; govern
1. 思想支配行動。
People's actions are governed by their thinking.
2. 受自然規律的支配
be subject to the laws of nature
3. 受人支配
be kept under sb's control/thumb; be controlled by sb
4. 受感情支配
be ruled by one's feelings
5. 支配市場
control/dominate the market