我認為的英文 我認為用英語怎麼說?
to my way of thinking 我認為, 依我看, 依我之見
if you ask me 我認為, 依我看
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我認為人們再也做不到那一點了。
\I don't think people are capable of that anymore.\
2. 我認為養花可以培養我的責任感。
I think growing flowers can cultivate (培養) my sense of responsibility.
3. 老實說,我認為自己不會被錄取。
I honestly don't think I'm going to be admitted.
4. 我認為這是因為閃電形狀導致的。
I think it's because of the lightning bolt (閃電) shape.
5. 我認為他的相對沉默是無禮的。
I took his relative silence to be offensive.
6. 對,我認為發簡訊和年齡有點關係。
Yeah, I think text messaging actually sort of has to do with your age.
7. 我認為他應該多吃蔬菜和水果。
I think he should have more vegetables and fruits.
8. 我認為我不應該總是依賴我的父母。
I don't think I should always depend on my parents.
9. 我認為系安全帶對道路安全很重要。
I think wearing seat belts is very important for road safety.
10. 我認為它會是一個很好的鏡頭。
I think it will make a great shot.
to my way of thinking; If you ask me