收據的英文 收據用英語怎麼說?
receipt n.收到;接到;處方;收據;發票;收入;進款
常用 權威
1. 收據簿
receipt book
2. 包裹收據
parcel receipt
3. 交貨收據
delivery receipt
4. 裝貨收據
shipping receipt
5. 信託收據
trust receipt
6. 要收據
ask for a receipt
7. 領貨收據
receipt for freight
8. 臨時收據
interim/temporary receipt
9. 開付收據
issue and pay a receipt
10. 納稅收據
duty receipt
11. 郵包收據
parcel post receipt
12. 空白收據
blank receipt
13. 存款收據
deposit receipt
14. 拿到收據
get a receipt
15. 付款收據
16. 給收據
give a receipt
17. 蓋過戳的收據
receipt with a stamp on
18. 在收據上簽字
sign a receipt
1. 男士讓女士給他一張收據。
The man asked the woman to give him a receipt.
2. 隨信寄上正式收據,敬請查收。
We now have the pleasure to enclose our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order.
3. 如不滿意,可以憑有效收據全額退款。
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will refund it in full provided a valid receipt is presented.
4. 請保留收據以核對你的賬單。
Keep your receipt to check against your statement.
5. 將收據粘合成一本特別賬簿。
The receipts are gummed into a special book.
6. 他今天付款,我們會開收據給他。
He will pay today. And we will issue him a receipt.
7. 真的,哦,好的。把收據拿出來。
Really, well, OK. Get the receipts out.
8. 我正打算下班前整理去年的收據。
I'm planning to sort last year's receipts before closing time.
9. 所有告示後,應有效的第一收據。
All notices shall be effective upon first receipt.
10. 本園將會為捐款人發出正式收據.
Official receipt will be issued for donation.
收據是企事業單位在 經濟活動中使用的原始憑證,主要是指財政部門印製的蓋有財政票據監製章的的收付款憑證,用於行政事業性收入,即非應稅業務 !
名詞 receipt
1. 隨信寄上正式收據,敬請查收。
We now have the pleasure to enclose our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order.
2. 裝貨收據
shipping receipt
3. 領貨收據
receipt for freight
4. 在收據上簽字
sign a receipt
5. 要收據
ask for a receipt
6. 拿到收據
get a receipt
7. 開收據
make out a receipt; write (out) a receipt
8. 給收據
give a receipt