膨脹的英文 膨脹用英語怎麼說?
expand v.擴大;擴充;擴充套件;發展;詳述;進一步闡述;膨脹;變得開朗;變得願意交談
dilate v.膨脹;擴大;詳述;鋪敘
inflate v.給…充氣;使大幅增加;使極度增長;膨脹;誇大;脹大;誇張;使…膨脹;使(物價)暴漲
swell v.腫脹;逐漸擴大;高漲;充滿
常用 權威
1. 膨脹性
expansibility; dilatability; distensibility
2. 膨脹劑
bulking/leavening/swelling/plumping agent; expansion admixture
3. 膨脹計
4. 膨脹率
rate of expansion; expansion rate/ratio
5. 表觀膨脹
apparent expansion
6. 膨脹冷卻
expansion cooling
7. 宇宙膨脹
cosmic expansion
8. 體積膨脹
volume expansion;volume expansion
9. 膨脹鉚釘
expansive rivet
10. 自由膨脹
free expansion
11. 氣體膨脹
expansion of gases
12. 氣頂膨脹
gas-cap expansion
13. 膨脹溫度
expansion temperature
14. 膨脹係數
coefficient of dilation/expansion; expansion coefficient
15. 膨脹應力
expansion stress
16. 通貨再膨脹
17. 線膨脹係數
linear expansion coefficient
18. 汙泥膨脹
bulking of sludge;sludge bulking
19. 消費膨脹
inflated consumption;inflated consumption levels
20. 膨脹間隙
expansion clearance; clearance for expansion
1. 有一種通貨膨脹的過程在起作用。
There has been a kind of inflationary process at work.
2. 它可以膨脹自己,從而變成一個更大的球。
It can inflate itself to turn into a much bigger ball.
3. 這仍遠高於衡量通貨膨脹的官方消費者價格指數(CPI)。
It is still well above the official Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation.
4. 通貨膨脹使我們不得不減縮開支。
Inflation has forced us to retrench.
5. 公眾對通貨膨脹的擔心減少了。
Public concern about inflation decreased.
6. 全球經濟處於一種長期膨脹的趨勢。
The global economy is in a long-term expansionary trend.
7. 這木頭因被水淹得時間過久而膨脹。
The wood has become swollen from long soaking.
8. 經濟學家們預計通貨膨脹率將會上升。
The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation.
9. 他的個人主義日益膨脹。
His individualism is growing/expanding with each passing day.
10. 氣體比液體更易膨脹。
Gases are more expansile than liquids.
膨脹(英文:swell),讀音péng zhàng,漢語詞語,指由於溫度升高或其他因素,物體的長度增加或體積增大;借指某些事物擴大或增長。例句:物體遇熱體積膨脹,是一種普遍現象。 相關句子有:“媳婦,我肚腹膨脹,怎吃得下。” 出自明朝高明的《琵琶記·代嘗湯藥》。
《膨脹》是陸通演唱的電影《西虹市首富》插曲,由周品、Akiyama Sayuri作詞,Akiyama Sayuri作曲,流派Soundtrack,國語,發行於2018年8月1日,收錄於陸通2018年7月27日發行的專輯《膨脹》中。 《膨脹》這首歌,這首歌與電影橋段情緒完美結合,融入了“約德爾唱法”這種唱法巧妙運用了真、假聲兩種唱法迅速地交替演唱,形成一種有趣的、令人驚訝的奇妙效果。
動詞 expand; dilate; inflate; swell
1. 這種金屬會膨脹。
This metal is expansible.
2. 氣體比液體更易膨脹。
Gases are more expansile than liquids.
3. 金屬受熱膨脹。
When a metal is heated, it expands. / Metals become dilated with/by/under heat. / Metals undergo expansion when heated.
4. 自由膨脹
free expansion
5. 皺胃膨脹
abomasum bloat
6. 汙泥膨脹
bulking of sludge
7. 體積膨脹
volume expansion
8. 氣體膨脹
expansion of gases
9. 表觀膨脹
apparent expansion
動詞 inflate; swell
1. 他的個人主義日益膨脹。
His individualism is growing/expanding with each passing day.
2. 全球經濟處於一種長期膨脹的趨勢。
The global economy is in a long-term expansionary trend.
3. 信用膨脹與緊縮
credit inflation and contraction
4. 消費膨脹
inflated/overexpanded consumption
5. 人口膨脹
swell in population