全職媽媽的英文 全職媽媽用英語怎麼說?
full-time mother
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我是一個全職媽媽和一個作家,猜到了嗎?
I am a full time mother and writer and guess what?
2. 顯然,女性決定做全職媽媽的原因各不相同。
Obviously, their reasons for staying home are vastly different.
3. 然後我們又拿自己在家裡的努力程度與那些全職媽媽們作對比。
Then we compare our efforts at home to those of mothers who dedicate themselves solely to their families.
4. 我做了四年半的全職媽媽,現在有兩個女兒,大的五歲半,小的兩歲半。
I was a full-time mom for four and a half years. I have two daughters: a five year and a two and a half year old.
5. 對於許多全職媽媽和自由職業者來說,星巴克是會讓他們找到信心的地方。
For millions of stay-at-home moms and work-at-home freelancers, the Starbucks can be the difference between losing your mind and not losing your mind.
6. 一個青少年時期就不幸去世的朋友,珍,38歲的全職媽媽能在夢中和她的兒子相見。
For years after a friend died as a teen, Jane, a 38-year-old stay-at-home mother dreamed of him.
7. 不管你的太太是全職媽媽還是一邊工作一邊料理家務,她需要你幫助她一起照顧孩子分擔家務。
Whether your wife works all day inside the home or outside the home, she needs you to come alongside her to care for the children and the house.
8. 從全職媽媽到大公司的CEO,在與各式各樣的人們打交道以後,我從中總結出許多關於成功的真理。
Working with people from all walks of life, from full-time moms to CEOs at large companies, I've distilled many universal truths about success.
9. 許多全職媽媽倘若面臨著使她們無法回到她們所選行業的最大障礙:缺乏信心是,這對她們反而是件好事。
Many stay-at-homes would be better off if they confronted the biggest hurdle preventing women from returning to their chosen industries:lack of confidence,the most critical ingredient in any job hunt.
10. 等孩子出生後,對那些有孩子的人來說,面臨的選擇就是做個全職媽媽還是重新回到之前的那種工作狀態之中。
When they finally have a child, the choice—for those who have one—is between becoming a stay-at-home mother or returning to a less-than-appealing professional situation.
mummy; mother; mamma; mommy