投的英文 投用英語怎麼說?
cast v.猛扔;擲;投;拋;投射;拋棄;澆鑄;轉向;給…分配角色;鑄造
throw v.投;擲;拋;扔;使突然陷入;摔倒;把…拉成坯;大發;使發作;舉行;舉辦
fling v.投;擲;拋;猛衝;移動;推開;使自己(頭向前)撲;使自己全身心投入;匆忙地穿衣;強有力地說
toss v.輕輕地扔;拋;擲;搜;摔下;以擲硬幣(與某人)解決某事;搖擺;顛簸;猛地(把頭;頭髮)往後一甩
hurl v.力擲;猛投;吐;用力推;逼迫;兇惡地叫;嘔吐
pitch n.場地;音高;音調高低;傾斜度;強度;程度;投球;推銷行話;推銷用語;攤位;表演場所;前後顛簸;縱搖;螺距;節距;瀝青
plunge into 陷入;投身;把…放入
put in 插嘴,插話;花費,投入;放進,放入;申請,要求;(船)停靠碼頭;入港
drop v.使落下;使掉下;投下;落下;掉下;降低;變弱;減少;放棄;中斷;停止;卸;輸掉;被硬打吊出
fit in with 適應;符合;與...一致
agree with 同意, 贊同
cater to 提供必需品;迎合, 盡力滿足
send v.運送;傳送;郵寄;發訊息;使處於某種狀態;顛簸;上升
deliver v.投遞;送交;遞送;講;發表;給…接生;生產;釋放;分娩;交割
project n.工程;事業;專案;政府資助的廉租住宅區;計劃;方案;規劃;課題
go to 去
join v.連線;接合;參加;參與;聯合;參軍;入伍;陪同;隨同;與…匯合
rinse v.用清水漂洗…上的肥皂;用清水沖洗;漱;漂洗掉
常用 權威
1. 投料器
feeding apparatus
2. 投標槍
throw the javelin
3. 投誘餌
offer bait
4. 投身影界
launch out into films
5. 向…裡投硬幣
drop a coin (into)
6. 投了個三不沾
shoot an air ball
1. 在下半場,她投了一個精彩的球!
During the second half, she made an amazing shot!
2. 他投工黨的票是合情合理的。
It stands to reason that he will vote Labour.
3. 先用清水投一投,再打肥皂。
Dip it into water before applying soap.
4. 那家飯店有火災隱患,因而不能投火險。
The hotel is a firetrap and isn’t insurable.
5. 把衣服投乾淨。
Rinse the laundry out.
6. 我投了他一票。
I cast my vote for him. / I voted for him.
7. 他站起來模擬了投標槍的動作。
He stands up and mimes throwing a spear.
8. 他坦言每屆大選他都投了工黨一票。
He avowed that he had voted Labour in every election.
9. 投反對票的人中有一些是地下同性戀者。
Among those who voted against it were some closeted gays.
10. 早點來,活動一下身體,練習投幾次籃。
Arrive early to loosen up and hit some practice shots.
投(拼音:tóu),漢語漢字,筆畫7畫,左右結構。有多種意思,第一是指拋,擲,扔,如“投籃”。二是指跳進去,如“自投羅網”。三是指放進去,送進去,如“投入、投資”等。 相關古文有《漢書·賈誼傳》“欲投鼠而忌器。”
動詞 cast; throw; fling; toss; hurl; pitch
1. 他被投進監獄。
He was thrown/cast/put into prison.
2. 把球投進籃筐
throw the ball into the basket
3. 投標槍
throw the javelin
動詞 plunge into; throw oneself into (a river, well, etc to commit suicide)
動詞 put in; drop
動詞 fit in with; agree with; cater to
動詞 send; deliver
動詞 project; cast
動詞 go to; join
動詞 rinse
1. 先用清水投一投,再打肥皂。
Dip it into water before applying soap.
2. 投掉衣服上的肥皂。
Rinse the soap out of washed clothes.
3. 把衣服投乾淨。
Rinse the laundry out.