一刻的英文 一刻用英語怎麼說?
a moment; an instant; quarter of an hour
常用 權威
1. 一刻鐘
a quarter of an hour
2. 一時一刻
[usu used in the negative] every moment; for a single moment
3. 一刻千金
every minute is precious; time is gold
4. 九點一刻
a quarter past nine
5. 千金一刻
each moment of time is worth a thousand pieces of gold―time is precious
6. 春宵一刻值千金
one minute in a spring night is worth a thousand taels of gold—every minute of the wedding night is precious
7. 感人的一刻
affecting moment
8. 就在那一刻
at that moment
9. 五點差一刻
a quarter to five
10. 記住難忘的一刻
remember the unforgettable moment
11. 離九點還差一刻
a quarter to nine
12. 戰鬥到最後一刻
fight to the bitter end
1. 我只在最後一刻才知道自己在做什麼。
I only learn what I'm doing at the last minute.
2. 那一刻,我所有的驕傲立刻變成了泡沫。
At that moment, all my pride turned into a bubble immediately.
3. 放慢腳步,想想那一刻你真正想做什麼。
Slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment.
4. 這就是為什麼很多人直到最後一刻才開始工作。
That's why so many people avoid their work until the last minute.
5. 到達德國的那一刻,我感覺自己是從零開始的。
The moment I arrived in Germany, I felt like I was starting from scratch (從頭開始).
6. 他利用這一刻來討論微小的變化如何取得巨大的效果。
He uses the moment to discuss how small changes can achieve a great effect.
7. 當在路上時,你微笑著回頭的那一刻是最令人印象深刻的。
While on the road, the moment you turn back with a smile is the most impressive.
8. 對我來說,這一刻意味著內在有一個更好的自我,一個更大的外在世界。
For me, this moment means a better self inside and a larger world outside.
9. 每當我覺得自己要被擊垮時,我就告訴自己要堅持下去,直到找到屬於自己的那一刻。
Whenever I feel I might be falling, I tell myself to hold on until I find my moment.
10. 跟他在一起的每一刻我都很開心。
Every moment with him is a delight to me.
《一刻》是蘇妙玲於2012年8月24日發行的國語流行歌曲專輯,共收錄8首歌曲。 該專輯發行後,歌曲《時間肖像》獲中歌榜周冠軍,歌曲《一刻》獲2012音樂先鋒榜內地十大先鋒金曲獎。
豆瓣“一刻”,為豆友們推送每日精選內容。隨時隨地開啟閱讀,打發空閒時光;每日推送豆瓣內的優質文章、圖集、評論,話題等。 “一刻”產品結構及UI設計都較簡單,整個 App的功能就是每天向用戶推送內容。使用者可開啟即閱讀“今日一刻”,也可檢視“往期內容”,喜歡的文章可進行收藏或者分享。
名詞 a moment; an instant
1. 跟他在一起的每一刻我都很開心。
Every moment with him is a delight to me.
2. 他的雙手一刻也不停。
His hands were never still.
3. 最後一刻
last minute/moment; the eleventh hour
4. 就在那一刻
at that moment
5. 歷史上輝煌的一刻
a bright/brilliant moment in history
名詞 quarter of an hour
1. 離九點還差一刻
a quarter to nine
2. 九點一刻
a quarter past nine