命的英文 命用英語怎麼說?
order n.次序;順序;命令;指令;社會等級;社會階級;階層;修道會;類;柱型;裝飾樣式;專用裝備;專用服裝;階
command v.命令;掌握;擁有;可以獲得;指揮;管轄;統率;俯視;俯瞰;〈古〉 控制(或抑制)(自己,自己的感情)
instruct v.指示;命令;吩咐;教;指導;給(人)指示;通知;告知;〈主英〉 (委託人)委託(初級律師
decree n.法令;法令的頒佈;裁決;判決
ordain v.委任…為牧師;授… 以神職;規定;決定;註定
instruction n.指示;命令;使用說明;裝配指南;教學;教育;給初級律師(或辯護律師、陪審團)的指示;指令
destiny n.不可避免要發生的事;註定了要發生的事;命運;天數
fate n.命中註定的事;命運的安排;天數;天命;命運三女神;命運;結局;結果
lot pron.許多;大量
life-span n.壽命
life n.生命;生活;一生;以實物為原型的創作;寫真藝術;生活方式;生物;活力;精力;傳記
常用 權威
1. 一條命
a life
2. 命士兵出擊
command the soldiers to attack
3. 命在須臾
be at death's door
1. 他的努力很可能救了那個女人的命。
His efforts most likely saved the woman's life.
2. 他不僅為自己的生命而戰,還救了父親的命。
He not only fought for his own life, but also saved his father's.
3. 一場重病,差點兒要了我的命。
A severe illness almost took my life.
4. 他救了一個落水兒童的命。
He saved a kid from drowning.
5. 看來他沒有中大獎的命。
It seems as if he was not predestined to hit the jackpot.
6. 如果你敢動她一根毫毛,我就要了你的命。
If you lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you.
7. 這差點兒要了他的命。
This nearly cost him his life.
8. 你救了這個孩子的命,他今天特地趕來謝恩。
The boy has come specially to thank you for saving his life.
9. 她不光損失了一大筆錢,還差點兒把命也搭上了。
It not only cost her a lot of money but nearly her life.
10. 他父親不同意他們結婚,因為據說他倆的命相剋。
His father refused his consent to their marriage because they were said to be ill-matched in horoscope.
《命》是Toei Co. Ltd.製作發行的一部電影,由筱原哲雄導演,江角真紀子、豐川悅司等主演,於2002年8月26日在加拿大上映。 影片講述了一個未婚媽媽柳美里和癌症患者東由多加的故事。
動詞 order; command; instruct; decree; ordain
1. 命士兵出擊
command the soldiers to attack
2. 命艦隊立即返航
order the fleet to return to base immediately
名詞 command; order; instruction; decree
1. 遵命
obey instructions/orders
2. 奉命轉移部隊
transfer troops under orders
名詞 destiny; fate; lot
1. 苦命
cruel fate; hard lot
2. 命好
be born under a lucky star
名詞 life-span; life
1. 這場火災使七人喪命。
The fire destroyed/claimed seven lives.
2. 這差點兒要了他的命。
This nearly cost him his life.
3. 拼命跑/幹
run/work like the devil
4. 疲於奔命
keep sb on the jump
5. 喪命
lose one's life
6. 一條命
a life
動詞 assign (a name, title, etc)