千里的英文 千里用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-01-31



thousand li ―long distance; vast expanse

常用 權威 重點詞彙



1. 千里共嬋娟

people a thousand- li apart share the same moonlight―people far away from one another may share this moment of joy

2. 惡事傳千里

scandal spreads apace; bad news has wings; ill news travels apace; bad news travels fast

3. 千里駒

thousand- li colt―promising young man

4. 千里馬

horse that covers a thousand li a day; winged steed―person of great talent

5. 千里送鵝毛

goose feather sent from a thousand li away―small gift sent from afar testifies to deep affection

6. 千里眼

far-seeing/far-sighted person;telescope; field glasses

7. 斥地千里

expand one's territory extensively

8. 廣袤千里

vast expanse

9. 沃野千里

a thousand li of fertile plain—vast expanse of fertile land

10. 赤地千里

a thousand li of barren land—scene of utter desolation (after a drought or an insect plague)

11. 舳艫千里

vast fleet

12. 跬步千里

one can get afar by making small steps—one can finally achieve success by making unremitting efforts; continued efforts may lead to great success

13. 相去數千裡

be thousands of kilometres apart

14. 千里平疇

large stretch of flat farmland

15. 千里迢迢

from a thousand li away; from afar; (come) all the way from

16. 相隔十萬八千里

be poles apart

17. 千里姻緣一線牽

two beings destined to marry each other, though a thousand li apart, are tied together as if by a thread; people a thousand li apart may be linked by marriage

18. 千里之堤,潰於蟻穴

tiny ant-holes may cause the collapse of a one-thousand- li dyke―slight negligence may lead to great disaster; a small leak will sink a great ship; any tiny problem may lead to a great disaster if it is overlooked

19. 有緣千里來相會

separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination

20. 好事不出門,惡事傳千里

good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spreads a thousand li away; good deeds most frequently remain unknown, while misdeeds become known at a distance of a thousand li ; honour goes on crutches while discredit flies apace


1. 常言道:千里之行,始於足下。

As the saying goes, \The longest journey starts with a single step.

2. 北國風光,千里冰封,萬里雪飄。

What a scene is in the north found! A thousand li of the earth is ice-clad aground, Ten thousand li of the sky is snow-bound.

3. 紅軍長征二萬五千里,縱橫11個省。

The Red Army swept over 11 provinces in its long march of 25,000 li .

4. 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。

May we all be sound and well, and share the moonlight far apart.

5. 不要總是拒人於千里之外。

Don’t always give others the cold shoulder.

6. 科學技術的發展一日千里

Science and technology is developing at a tremendous pace.

7. 欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。

You can enjoy a view of farther things by climbing to a greater height.

8. 紅軍二萬五千里長征是一部氣壯山河的史詩。

The Red Army’s 25,000 li Long March is a sublime and heroic epic in Chinese history.

9. 家院裡練不出千里馬。

A swift horse cannot be produced from a courtyard.

10. 騏驥一躒,不能千里

A strong fast horse cannot cover a thousand li in one leap.



千里,讀音qiān lǐ,是漢語詞語,指千里馬,也指路途遙遠或面積廣闊。例句有“ 蝮蛇蓁蓁,封狐千里些”。 相關古句有“師之所為,鄭必知之,勤而無所,必有悖心,且行千里,其誰不知。”出自《左傳·僖公三十二年》。近義詞有迢遙、廣闊、遙遠,反義詞有咫尺。


千歲千里(Chitose Senri),動漫《網球王子》及其衍生作品中的角色,四天寶寺中學網球部學員,“九州雙雄”之一。是一位漂泊遊走的修行。 千歲千里因為眼傷(被橘桔平誤傷)曾一度銷聲匿跡,為探求門後的奧義,在治好右眼後又再次回到球場。



名詞 thousand li ―long distance; vast expanse



thousand li ―long distance; vast expanse
