感到高興的英文 感到高興用英語怎麼說?
feel happy
常用 重點詞彙
1. 萊姆普恩港的官員們對這頭新犀牛的到來感到高興。
And officials at Port Lympne were delighted with the new arrival.
2. 然後我開始積極地面對我的生活,為真實的自己感到高興。
Then I started to be positive (積極的) towards my life, and I was happy about who I really was.
3. 如果你經常丟東西,你會對一個叫做\物品探子\的新發明感到高興。
If you often lose things, you'll be happy with a new invention (發明) called Things Spotter.
4. 他由衷感到高興。
He beamed inside.
5. 我們犯了錯卻還不正常地感到高興。
We take a left-handed pleasure in our errors.
6. 說孩子的鼻子長得像他父親準會使做父母的感到高興。
To say that the child has got the father's nose fetches the parents.
7. 沒有。但是我真的為你感到高興。
No. But, like, I'm really happy for you.
8. 我尤其為迪亞拉的表現感到高興.
I am especially happy with Diarra.
9. 人們看到女孩懷孕了會感到高興。
It makes folks happy to see a girl in the family way.
10. 似乎只有戶外才能讓他感到高興。
He looks like he's only happy outdoors.
feel happy