搭起的英文 搭起用英語怎麼說?
put up 張貼;建造;表現出, 顯示出;宿夜, 過夜, 住宿
1. 我們搭起帳篷過夜。
We pitched camp for the night.
2. 我們搭起帳篷,生了一堆小火。
We put up our tents and made a small fire.
3. 即刻!兩名消防員搭起了一張網。
Hurry! Two firemen set up a net.
4. 他們搭起聖誕樹,慶祝聖誕節.
They celebrate the Christmas holiday by putting up a tree.
5. 我們一起搭起了一個臨時帳篷。
We put together a makeshift tent.
6. 為了慶祝春節,村子裡搭起了綵棚.
The villagers put up a decorated marquee to celebrate the Spring festival.
7. 內?史密斯搭起了兩個桃形的籃子.
Naismith put up two peach baskets.
8. 孩子們在田野中央搭起了帳篷。
The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.
9. 搭起雙手築成你回家的路基。
Hand in hand lead you home.
10. 兩道晨風中的經幡搭起通向天空的橋。
Sutra streamer in the wind make the bridge to the heaven.