簽字的英文 簽字用英語怎麼說?
sign n.標記;標誌;表示;手勢;示意動作;宮;正負號;跡象;徵兆;標牌
常用 權威
1. 簽字國
signatory (state/country)
2. 拒絕簽字
withhold one's signature
3. 簽字儀式
signing ceremony
4. 公約簽字國
signatory to a convention
5. 在文契上簽字
sign a contract
6. 在收據上簽字
sign a receipt
7. 簽字後立即生效
come into force upon signature
1. 所以你只需要在表格上簽字就可以了。
So you just need to sign the form to say you've received it.
2. 請在此合同的兩個文字上都簽字。
Please sign both copies of the contract.
3. 如果只有一方簽字,契約便無效。
The contract is invalidated/invalid if only one party signs it.
4. 這份合同有待你來簽字。
This contract is waiting for your signature.
5. 請把信送給經理簽字。
Please take the letters to the manager for signature.
6. 他簽字放棄一切權利。
He signed away all his rights.
7. 我無意簽字放棄繼承權。
I have no intention of signing away my inheritance.
8. 在做出財產處置安排時,遺囑人必須簽字。
The testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions.
9. 讓醫生在表格上簽字。
Get the form signed by a doctor.
10. 合同簽字後要存檔。
The contract, when signed, is filed.
動詞 sign; affix one's signature
1. 他簽字放棄一切權利。
He signed away all his rights.
2. 請在此合同的兩個文字上都簽字。
Please sign both copies of the contract.
3. 請把信送給經理簽字。
Please take the letters to the manager for signature.
4. 請作者在扉頁上簽字
ask the author to autograph the title page
5. 簽字後立即生效
come into force upon signature
6. 簽字畫押
sign one's name on a document
7. 簽字蓋章
sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on
8. 拒絕簽字
withhold one's signature