較少的英文 較少用英語怎麼說?
less det. & pro.量更少;量較少;數量較少
1. 在中國,洋蔥和西紅柿使用較少。
In China, onions and tomatoes are used less often.
2. 對於大多數工人來說,閒暇時間相對較少。
Leisure time is relatively scarce for most workers.
3. 根據這篇文章,白天喝牛奶的老鼠活動較少。
According to the passage, the mice fed with daytime milk were less active.
4. 中德文化交流較少。
There are fewer cultural exchanges between China and Germany.
5. 他們還感到對科學的瞭解較少,討論科學話題的資格也較低。
They also felt less informed about science and less qualified to discuss science topics.
6. 所提供的固定工作機會相對較少。
The number of permanent jobs on offer is relatively small.
7. 冬季駕駛飛機的機會較少。
There are fewer opportunities to aviate in winter.
8. 小屋相對較少,亦不牢固。
The huts are relatively few and insubstantial.
9. 新車對環境的損害較少。
[as adj. damaging]new cars are less damaging to the environment.
10. 一條遊客較少的路線。
A less well-traveled route.