疏忽的英文 疏忽用英語怎麼說?
neglect v.忽視;忽略;疏忽;疏漏;漏做
overlook v.忽視;忽略;看漏;俯視;眺望;監督;用邪惡的眼睛施魔法於;不理會;寬恕;寬容
常用 權威
1. 疏忽行為
negligent act
2. 疏忽駕駛
negligent driving
3. 疏忽保險單
negligence policy
4. 疏忽條款
negligence clause
5. 偶然的疏忽
accidental oversight
6. 嚴重疏忽
gross negligence
7. 無意疏忽
unintentional oversight
8. 完全疏忽
totally neglect (sth)
9. 疏忽大意
be careless; neglect; relax one's vigilance
10. 純粹是疏忽
by mere negligence
11. 由疏忽所致
caused by negligence
1. 對黑人的歧視可能導致臨床治療的疏忽。
Discrimination against black people may cause negligence in clinical treatment.
2. 事故是由於疏忽而造成的。
The accident was due to negligence/oversight.
3. 我一時疏忽用了這個詞。
I used this word from carelessness.
4. 由於疏忽導發了事故。
Negligence led to the accident. / Carelessness caused the accident.
5. 那一點我疏忽了。
That point slipped my attention.
6. 為錯誤的舉動或疏忽付出賠償。
To pay compensation for a wrongful act or omission.
7. 他只是一時疏忽漏掉了帕森斯。
He had simply missed Parsons out by an oversight.
8. 作為家長她是疏忽而且不能勝任的。
She was neglectful and ineffectual as a parent.
9. 所有的護理機構都把她疏忽了。
She slipped through the net of all the care agencies.
10. 由於疏忽而作出了這個決定。
The decision was made per incuriam.
動詞 be careless; neglect; overlook
1. 我一時疏忽用了這個詞。
I used this word from carelessness.
2. 事故是由於疏忽而造成的。
The accident was due to negligence/oversight.
3. 那一點我疏忽了。
That point slipped my attention.
4. 疏忽必失。
Business neglected is business lost.
5. 嚴重疏忽
gross negligence
6. 無意疏忽
unintentional oversight
7. 完全疏忽
totally neglect (sth)