界限的英文 界限用英語怎麼說?
limits n.限制;限度;限量;界限;界線;(limit的複數)
bounds n.範圍;界限;限制;跳躍;(bound的複數)
limit n.界限;限制;極限;速度限制;範圍;最高酒精濃度
end n.最後部分;末尾;端;稍;盡頭;目的;目標;一陣;一回;邊鋒
常用 權威
1. 打破界限
break down the barriers
2. 跨越界限
surpass the bounds
3. 機率界限
probability limit
4. 確定界限
fix limit
5. 超出界限
break bounds
6. 逾越界限
exceed the limit
7. 原則界限
distinction in principle
8. 愛情與友情的界限
frontier between love and friendship
1. 如何消除藝術和科學學科之間的界限。
How boundaries can be removed between arts and science disciplines.
2. 他們早已超越了友情的界限。
They have far overstepped the boundary of friendship. / Their relationship has gone beyond friendship.
3. 我們絕不能模糊是非界限。
We must not obscure the distinction between right and wrong.
4. 兩黨的界限判若鴻溝。
The difference between the two parties is irreconcilable.
5. 他的野心沒有界限。
His ambition knows no end/bounds.
6. 越過民族和政治界限的亞文化群。
Subcultures which cut across national and political boundaries.
7. 和平問題超越了階級的界限。
The issue of peace cut across class lines.
8. 這一對搭檔在80年代的大部分時間裡都在探索嚴重悲觀主義乏人問津的界限。
The duo spent much of the eighties exploring the lonely outer reaches of miserabilism.
9. 他的小說模糊了文學批評與小說之間的界限
His novels blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction
10. 結婚之前肉體接觸的界限在哪裡?
C . In a physical relationship, where are the boundaries before marriage?
界限(英文:limit),讀音為jiè xiàn,漢語詞語。指不同事物的分界、限度或者限制、範圍。例句為“謙虛和虛偽是有本質區別的,不能模糊了它們的界限”。 界限的近義詞的範疇、鴻溝和規模。
名詞 demarcation/dividing line; limits; bounds
1. 他們早已超越了友情的界限。
They have far overstepped the boundary of friendship. / Their relationship has gone beyond friendship.
2. 愛情與友情的界限
frontier between love and friendship
3. 確定界限
fix limit
4. 劃清界限
draw a (clear) line of demarcation
5. 打破界限
break down the barriers
6. 超越/擴大界限
overstep/expand the boundary (of)
7. 超出界限
break bounds
名詞 limit; end
1. 他的野心沒有界限。
His ambition knows no end/bounds.