女裙的英文 女裙用英語怎麼說?
skirt n.裙子;多筋動物肉;外圍;下襬;姑娘;女人尤物;圍裙;擋板;垂邊;邊緣
jupe n.女裙;胸衣;上衣
1. 顧客:請問可不可以告訴我女裙在哪裡?
Shopper:Excuse me, could you show me to the skirts section please?
2. 這是一種新式女裙,它會很快流行起來。
This is a new fashion of skirts and it will catch on quickly.
3. 這些女裙減價出售,毛病均向顧客指出。
The skirts are sold at reduced prices, the defects being pointed out to the customers .
4. 女裙斜裁模型及其應用;
Bias cut of dress models and its application examples;
5. 這一點經常可以從女裙長度的變化得到體現。
This is often illustrated in the changing length of women's skirts.
6. 我得加畫上一條塔夫綢女裙或者別的什麼東西.
I might have to paint in a taffeta dress or something!
7. 懶人女生的約會救星:一條讓你風情萬種的女裙
The Lazy Girl’s Dating Aid: A Dress That Flirts For You
8. 她正為唐娜卡蘭的秋季系列女裙展覽當模特兒。
She is modeling Donna Karan's fall collection of skirts.
9. 過了會兒,她就在購物中心最昂貴的女裙中挑了件。
After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shopping centre.
10. 女裙服;女禮服
N. a formal dress for a woman