索賠的英文 索賠用英語怎麼說?
claim compensation against; lodge a claim (for damages) against; make a claim (for compensation/indemnity)
常用 權威
1. 索賠權
right of claim
2. 受理索賠
entertain a claim
3. 品質索賠
quality claim
4. 現金索賠
cash claim
5. 索賠要求
6. 索賠證件
claims document; document for claims
7. 索賠函
letter of claim
8. 損害索賠
claim for damage
9. 駁回索賠
dismiss a claim
10. 保險索賠
insurance claim
11. 索賠時限
time limit for filing claims
12. 拒絕索賠
reject a claim
13. 索賠手續
claim procedure
14. 違約索賠
claim for breach of contract
15. 索賠精神損失費
demand compensation for emotional loss
16. 向保險公司索賠
claim on an insurance company
1. 所有回答者都害怕提出高額費用索賠。
All respondents were afraid of making a high expense claim.
2. 對索賠者慷慨大方的衝動。
An urge to be generous to the claimants.
3. 其他人可能會對一項高額索賠產生懷疑。
Others would be suspicious of a high expense claim.
4. 人們使用批判性思維來解決問題和評估索賠。
People use critical thinking to solve problems and evaluate claims.
5. 事主要求索賠損失。
The injured party asked for compensation for the loss.
6. 該政策執行期間沒有人提出索賠。
No claim had been made during the currency of the policy.
7. 索賠額在十年裡增加到原來的八倍。
Claims have grown eightfold in ten years.
8. 用司法來解決懸而未決的索賠。
The use of jurisdiction to decide pendent claims.
9. 同樣的考慮也一樣適用於事故索賠。
The same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims.
10. 此索賠屬於勞資法庭的受理許可權之內。
The claim will be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal.
索賠(claim) 就是受到損失的一方當事人向違約的一方當事人提出損害賠償的要求,相對而言,違約的一方受理另一方的索賠要求,即稱為理賠(settlement of claim)。索賠和理賠是一個問題的兩個方面,在受害方是索賠,在違約方是理賠。
動詞 claim compensation against; lodge a claim (for damages) against; make a claim (for compensation/indemnity)
1. 向保險公司索賠
claim on an insurance company
2. 損害索賠
claim for damage
3. 保險/貿易/運輸索賠
insurance/trade/transportation claim
4. 提出鉅額索賠
claim/extort a huge indemnity
5. 受理索賠
entertain a claim
6. 駁回索賠
dismiss a claim
7. 索賠十萬元
demand compensation of 100,000 yuan ; claim compensation on 100,000 yuan
8. 索賠精神損失費
demand compensation for emotional loss