不如的英文 不如用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-06



be inferior to 不如;低於;地位低於

had better 最好…;…比較好

might as well 倒不如;可以;就如同;會和…一樣

常用 權威



1. 不如人意

not live up to one's expectations; there's still much to be desired; things do not go the way one wishes

2. 禽獸不如

be worse than a beast

3. 求人不如求己

better rely/depend on oneself than ask for help from others; God helps those who help themselves

4. 聞名不如見面

to know someone by reputation is not as good as meeting face to face; to know a person by repute is not as good as seeing him in the flesh; to know sb by his reputation is not as good as meeting him in person

5. 恭敬不如從命

it is better to obey sb than to decline respectfully—it would be better to do as sb asks instead of standing on ceremony

6. 言教不如身教

example is better than precept

7. 言傳不如身教

example is better than precept

8. 遠親不如近鄰

a good neighbour is better than a brother far off; a relative far off is less help than a neighbour close by; neighbours are dearer than distant relatives

9. 耳聞不如目見

seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others; what is heard is a far cry from what is seen

10. 與其補救於已然,不如防患於未然

to forestall is better than to amend; prevention is better than cure


1. 它不如所有其他紅葡萄酒辛辣。

It is less spicy than all other red wines.

2. 花在一起的時間的數量不如時間的內容重要。

The quantity of time spent together is less important than the content of that time.

3. 被拋在後面的是那些不如他們的的普通大眾。

It is the masses beneath them that are left behind.

4. 今天的人工智慧\視覺\遠不如人類的複雜。

AI \vision\ today is not nearly as sophisticated as that of humans.

5. 為考試做最後一分鐘的準備可能不如睡覺有效。

Making last-minute preparations for tests may be less effective than sleeping.

6. 他可能不如馬克·扎克伯格或比爾·蓋茨出名。

He may not be as famous as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates.

7. 在這些情況下,與其安於現狀,不如更加積極進取。

In those situations, it's better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.

8. 作為個人價值觀的指標,國籍不如社會經濟狀況有用。

Nationality is less useful than socio-economic status as an indicator of one's values.

9. 與其在以後的生活中驕傲地墮落,不如現在就學會謙虛。

It's better to learn to be modest now rather than take a proud fall later in life.

10. 她補充說,與其說是關於老師的背景,不如說是關於培訓。

She added that it's not so much about the teacher's background, but about training.



《不如》是蔡旻佑演唱的一首國語流行單曲,由陳信延作詞,蔡旻佑作曲,羅恩妮編曲,收錄於蔡旻佑2015年12月18日發行的專輯《我和我的布拉姆斯》中。 《不如》MV發行於2016年1月9日。





動詞 not be equal to; be inferior to

1. 論技術我不如你。

I can't match you in skill.

2. 藥補不如食補。

Nourishing food is better than tonics.

3. 她覺得不如別人。

She feels inferior to others.

副詞 it would be better (to do); had better; might as well

1. 租房不如買房。

It would be better to buy a house than to rent one.

2. 你還不如現在就開始節食呢。

It is advisable that you start dieting right now.

3. 那樣的話,我還不如自己租賃一輛車呢。

In that case I might as well rent a car myself.

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