言論的英文 言論用英語怎麼說?
opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views
常用 權威
1. 錯誤言論
erroneous remark; incorrect statement
2. 言論摘編
extracts from sb's speeches
3. 進步言論
progressive views
4. 發表言論
air one's views
5. 新銳言論
novel and sharp remarks
6. 言論自由
free speech; freedom of speech; liberty of speech
7. 保障言論自由
guarantee the freedom of speech
8. 散佈錯誤言論
spread wrong opinions
9. 與言論不符的行為
actions at variance with words
10. 以行動支援自己的言論
second one's words with deeds
1. 言論自由是憲法規定的權利。
Freedom of speech is a constitutional right.
2. 在舊政權的統治下,人們沒有言論自由。
Under the old regime people had no freedom of speech.
3. 我們的一切言論和行動都應符合人民的利益。
Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
4. 他的言論令聽眾駭怪。
The audience was shocked at his remarks.
5. 部長拒絕簽署壓制言論自由的命令。
[as adj. gagging]the minister refused to sign a gagging order.
6. 你的文章裡有不少誤導的言論。
Your article contains a number of misleading statements.
7. 他竟厚著臉皮發表人身攻擊的言論。
He had the cheek to make personal remarks.
8. 政府正試圖壓制批評者的言論。
The government is trying to gag its critics.
9. 他毫不掩飾不快之情的言論。
The brutal honesty of his observations.
10. 這種刻薄言論可能出自妒忌。
This uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy.
言論(yán lùn),漢語詞語,意思指言談;談論。 或指發表的議論或意見。例句為“習慣隨聲附和別人言論,會成為缺乏主見的人。” 近義詞為言辭、群情、談吐,反義詞為靜默、緘默、默默,相關古文有“至乎以弗解解之者,可與及言論矣。”出自《淮南子·人間訓》。
名詞 opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views
1. 我們的一切言論和行動都應符合人民的利益。
Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
2. 以行動支援自己的言論
second one's words with deeds
3. 進步言論
progressive views
4. 散佈錯誤言論
spread wrong opinions
5. 發表言論
air one's views