順的英文 順用英語怎麼說?
obey v.服從;順從;聽從;遵守;執行;遵循
follow v.跟在…後面;跟隨;排在…後面;按照(指示;規則)做;執行;密切注意;從事;進行;跟蹤;追隨
put in order 整理;理順;檢修
rearrange v.重新整理;改變
order n.次序;順序;命令;指令;社會等級;社會階級;階層;修道會;類;柱型;裝飾樣式;專用裝備;專用服裝;階
suit n.一套衣服;所有花色相同的一組牌;請求;一副盔甲;一套篷帆;高階管理人員;追求;請願
along with 以及, 一起
fluent adj.表達流利的;外語說寫流利的;口頭流利表達的;優美自如的;暢流的;能流動的
smooth adj.光滑的;平滑的;醇和的;不苦的;均勻的;細膩的;無風浪的;平靜的;平穩的
lucky adj.有好運的;帶來好運的;幸運的
harmonious adj.悅耳的;和諧的;和睦的;一致的
along prep. & adv.沿著;順著;循;延伸;帶來;與…一起;在…期間;進展
常用 權威
1. 順風潮
leeward tidal current; lee/leeward tide
2. 順磁共振
paramagnetic resonance
3. 順磁體
4. 順急流而下
descend the rapids
1. 張桂順鼓勵村民盡最大努力脫貧。
Zhang Guishun encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty.
2. 你真的應該乘船順亞馬遜河而下。
You really ought to take a boat down the Amazon.
3. 我想知道你是怎麼把她給摩挲順了。
I wondered how you got her quiet down.
4. 我們做什麼事都得順他的意。
Everything we did must be agreeable to him.
5. 把這兩個字顛倒過來就順了。
It will read better if you reverse these two words.
6. 他把書架上的書順了順。
He rearranged the books on the shelf.
7. 一切都很順。
Everything went off without a hitch.
8. 海洋哺乳動物一般順洋流方向而遊。
Marine mammals generally swim with the current.
9. 他曾划著獨木舟順尼羅河而下。
He had once canoed down the Nile.
10. 我還在適應中,不過它跑得很順。
I'm still breaking it in, but it runs pretty well.
順是深圳市順牌文化傳播有限公司旗下品牌,國際分類32類,申請/註冊號 55255888。
動詞 obey; submit/yield to
1. 別什麼事都順著孩子。
Don't always humour your children the way they want.
形詞 along with; in the same direction as
1. 順水船
downstream boat
動詞 follow
1. 順著這些標誌走,就可以看見那個酒店了。
Follow these signs, and you will see the hotel.
2. 順流而下
go downstream; sail down a river; drop down with the tide
形詞 fluent; well-arranged
1. 她英語講得很順。
She speaks very fluent English.
2. 文字通順
have a smooth style of writing
動詞 put in order; rearrange; order
1. 他把書架上的書順了順。
He rearranged the books on the shelf.
2. 用手順一順頭髮
give one's hair a smoothing; smooth down one's hair
動詞 turn round/about (sth) (so as to put it in correct order)
1. 把車順過來
turn round/about a car
形詞 smooth; lucky; without a hitch; without any trouble
1. 一切都很順。
Everything went off without a hitch.
2. 今天我的牌來得很順。
The run of the cards favoured me today.
3. 日子過得挺順
live/lead an easy life; lead a smooth existence
4. 氣不順
be upset; be under the weather
5. 愛情上不順
be unlucky in love
形詞 harmonious
動詞 be fit/suitable (for); be agreeable (to); suit
介詞 along