學分的英文 學分用英語怎麼說?
(course) credit
常用 權威
1. 學分制
credit system
2. 獲得學分
earn a credit
3. 數學分析
mathematical analysis;mathematical analysis
4. 科學分析
scientific analysis
5. 修滿學分
get the required credits
6. 學分課程
credit-bearing course; credit course
7. 推行學分制
introduce the credit system
8. 課程學分
course credit
9. 學分銀行
school credit bank
10. 化學分析
chemical analysis
11. 磁化學分析
magnetochemical analysis
12. 三個學分的課程
three-credit course
1. 它提供有學分的各種課程。
It offers various courses with credit points.
2. 他們具體規定了學生必須學習的學分
They specify the number of credits students must learn.
3. 他在介紹中明確表示,我們的學分來之不易。
In his introduction, he made it clear that our credits would be hard-earned.
4. 據《中國青年報》報道,這門勞動課將修六個學分。
According to China Youth Daily, the labor course will take six credits.
5. 在\(學業)競賽\中,專業換得太晚,可能會在彌補學分這件事上付出高昂代價。
It can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.
6. 畢業須修滿36個學分。
It takes 36 credits to graduate.
7. 一個學生可取得一個學分時單位。
A student can earn one unit of academic credit.
8. 獲得國家證書須累計達到十二個學分。
The National Certificate consists of twelve credits.
9. 要修滿多少學分才能拿到學位?。
How many credits do we need to get the degree?
10. 對照品是化學分析中常用的物質.
Reference substance is a chemical substance that is usually used in chemical analysis.
學分(xué fēn),是用於計算學生學習量的一種計量單位,按學期計算,每門課程及實踐環節的具體學分數以專業教學計劃的規定為準。部分學校也有按學分收費的制度。透過學分可以評判學生在大學期間的學習知識的廣度,學生獲得的學分越多,說明學生學到的東西也就越多。在某些大學中,學分也變成了評價學生優秀程度的一個重要標準。
名詞 (course) credit
1. 畢業須修滿36個學分。
It takes 36 credits to graduate.
2. 三個學分的課程
three-credit course
3. 修滿學分
get the required credits
4. 獲得學分
earn a credit